2013-04-03 49 views





我的問題是一個具體值似乎成功序列化,但始終都是空值,當我試圖反序列化。 (沒有錯誤,只是一個非常不愉快的,無用的null)

當我在序列化的時候斷開,我可以看到對象被添加到SerializationInfo ok通過檢查SerializationInfo並且它有值(它是沒有什麼奇特的,但會發佈下面的代碼)


UPDATE - download console app here。感謝您尋找




    public class TrainingSet : ITrainingSet, ISerializable 
     public Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet> PointProfiles { get; set; } 

     public PrincipalComponentAnalysis PointPCA { get; set; } 

     public double[] AlignedMean { get; set; } 

     public List<Tuple<string, ITransform>> Transforms { get; set; } 

     public string[] FileNames { get; set; } 

     private static Lazy<BinaryFormatter> formatter = new Lazy<BinaryFormatter>(); 

     public static ITrainingSet Load(Guid modelId) 
      ModelSample s = DataProxy<ModelSample>.AsQueryable().Where(m => m.ModelId == modelId).SingleOrDefault(); 
      if (s == null) 
       return null; 

      byte[] raw = s.Samples.ToArray(); 
      using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(raw)) 
       return (ITrainingSet)formatter.Value.Deserialize(ms); 


     void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
      info.AddValue("pca", PointPCA); 

      info.AddValue("tp1", PointProfiles.Select(pp => pp.Key.Item1).ToArray()); 
      info.AddValue("tp2", PointProfiles.Select(pp => pp.Key.Item2).ToArray()); 

      var x = PointProfiles.Select(pp => (ProfileModel)pp.Value).ToArray(); 
      info.AddValue("ipts", x, typeof(ProfileModel[])); 

      info.AddValue("am", AlignedMean); 

      info.AddValue("tname", Transforms.Select(t => t.Item1).ToArray()); 
      info.AddValue("tval", Transforms.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray()); 
      info.AddValue("fnames", FileNames); 
      info.AddValue("version", 1); // nb 

     public TrainingSet(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
      int version = 0; 
      foreach(SerializationEntry s in info) 
       if(s.Name == "version") 
        version = (int)s.Value; 

       case 0: 
        // old (default binary formatter) 
        PointPCA = info.GetValue("<PointPCA>k__BackingField", typeof(PrincipalComponentAnalysis)) as PrincipalComponentAnalysis; 
        PointProfiles = info.GetValue("<PointProfiles>k__BackingField", typeof(Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>)) as Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>; 
        AlignedMean = info.GetValue("<AlignedMean>k__BackingField", typeof(double[])) as double[]; 
        Transforms = info.GetValue("<Transforms>k__BackingField", typeof(List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>)) as List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>; 
        FileNames = info.GetValue("<FileNames>k__BackingField", typeof(string[])) as string[]; 

      //stats.PointPCA = pointPCA; 
      //stats.PointProfiles = pointProfiles; 
      //stats.AlignedMean = alignedMean; 
      //stats.Transforms = transforms; 
      //stats.FileNames = fileNames; 


       case 1: 
        FileNames = info.GetValue("fnames", typeof(string[])) as string[]; 

        var t = info.GetValue("tval", typeof(ITransform[])) as ITransform[]; 
        var tn = info.GetValue("tname", typeof(string[])) as string[]; 

        Transforms = new List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>(); 
        for(int i = 0;i < tn.Length;i++) 
         Transforms.Add(new Tuple<string,ITransform>(tn[i], t[i])); 

        AlignedMean = info.GetValue("am", typeof(double[])) as double[]; 

        PointPCA = info.GetValue("pca", typeof(PrincipalComponentAnalysis)) as PrincipalComponentAnalysis; 

        var ipts = info.GetValue("ipts", typeof(ProfileModel[])); 

        foreach (var x in info) 
         int a = 0; 
         a++; // break point here, info has an entry for key "ipts", but it's null (or rather an array of the correct length, and each element of the array is null) 

        var xxx = ipts as IPointTrainingSet[]; 

        var i2 = info.GetValue("tp2", typeof(int[])) as int[]; 

        var i1 = info.GetValue("tp1", typeof(int[])) as int[]; 

        PointProfiles = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>(); 
        for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; i++) 
         PointProfiles.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i1[i], i2[i]), xxx[i]); 


        throw new NotImplementedException("TrainingSet version " + version + " is not supported"); 


     public TrainingSet() 



    public class Profile : ISerializable, IProfile 
     public double Angle { get; private set; } 
     public int PointIndex { get; private set; } 
     public int Level { get; set; } 

     public double[,] G { get; private set; } 
     public virtual double[,] GBar { get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } 

     public virtual int Width { get { return G.Length; } } 

     public Profile(int level, int pointIndex, double angle, double[,] G) 
      this.G = G; 
      PointIndex = pointIndex; 
      Level = level; 
      Angle = angle; 

     // deserialization 
     public Profile(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
      PointIndex = info.GetInt32("p"); 
      Angle = info.GetDouble("a"); 
      G = (double[,])info.GetValue("g", typeof(double[,])); 

      Level = info.GetInt32("l"); 

      //_pca = new Lazy<PrincipalComponentAnalysis>(Pca); 

     // serialization 
     public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
      info.AddValue("p", PointIndex); 
      info.AddValue("a", Angle); 
      info.AddValue("g", G); 
      info.AddValue("l", Level); 



public class ProfileModel : Profile, ISerializable, IPointTrainingSet 

    public IProfile MeanProfile { get; private set; } 

    private ProfileModel(int level, int PointIndex, IProfile[] profiles) 
     : base(level, PointIndex, 0, null) 
     double[,] m = Matrix.Create<double>(profiles.Length, profiles[0].G.Columns(), 0); 

     int idx = 0; 
     foreach (var pg in profiles.Select(p => p.G.GetRow(0))) 
      m.SetRow(idx++, pg); 

     Profile meanProfile = new Profile(level, PointIndex, 0, m.Mean().ToMatrix()); 
     MeanProfile = meanProfile; 

    // deserialization 
    public ProfileModel(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { 
     var ps = info.GetValue("mp", typeof(Profile)); 

     MeanProfile = (IProfile)ps; 

    // serialization 
    public new void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
     info.AddValue("mp", MeanProfile, typeof(Profile)); 
     base.GetObjectData(info, context); 

    public override double[,] GBar 
      return MeanProfile.G; 

    public override int Width { get { 
     return GBar.Columns(); 
    } } 



也許它與那個'Tuple '有關? [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13739348/why-i-could-not-serialize-a-tuple-in-c](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13739348/why-i-could- not-serialize-a-tuple-in-c) – Rohrbs


@Rohrbs - 感謝您的看法:)我確實在想 - 這就是爲什麼元組和字典都是以定製的,單獨的方式序列化的(請參閱名爲「tp1 「和」tp2「 - 」ipts「是字典的第三部分) – Nathan


對不起,在仔細觀察後,沒有什麼會跳出來對我說。也許這裏演員'pp =>(int)pp.Key.Item1'?哪些值回到空值? tp1,tp2還是ipts?三個全部? – Rohrbs




您可以通過實現IDeserializationCallback(或通過將OnDeserilized屬性分配給在deserilization完成時應調用的方法)來解決此問題。 OnDeserialzation方法在整個對象圖被反序列化之後調用。


private int []i1; 
private int []i2; 
private ProfileModel [] ipts; 


ipts = info.GetValue("ipts", typeof(ProfileModel[])); 
i2 = info.GetValue("tp2", typeof(int[])) as int[]; 
i1 = info.GetValue("tp1", typeof(int[])) as int[]; 


public void OnDerserilization(object sender) 
    PointProfiles = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>(); 

    for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; i++) 
    PointProfiles.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(i1[i], i2[i]), ipts[i]); 

太棒了,謝謝 - 我會看看那個明天:) – Nathan


那很有用 - 非常感謝! – Nathan



void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
    info.AddValue("pca", PointPCA); 
    info.AddValue("pps", PointProfiles); 
    info.AddValue("am", AlignedMean); 
    info.AddValue("transforms", Transforms); 
    info.AddValue("fnames", FileNames); 

public TrainingSet(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
    PointPCA = info.GetValue("pca", typeof(PrincipalComponentAnalysis)) as PrincipalComponentAnalysis; 
    Transforms = (List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>)info.GetValue("transforms", typeof(List<Tuple<string, ITransform>>)); 
    AlignedMean = info.GetValue("am", typeof(double[])) as double[]; 
    PointProfiles = (Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>)info.GetValue("pps", typeof(Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, IPointTrainingSet>)); 
    FileNames = info.GetValue("fnames", typeof(string[])) as string[]; 



非常感謝您的關注,但我已經擁有了這樣的工作原理 - 我自己也是這樣做的,因爲Mono在處理這些問題時處理得並不好(我將它在Microsoft環境中序列化並且在linux環境中對它進行反序列化)。 – Nathan
