2011-11-04 35 views


select Q2.* 
from User u,(
     a.adId as "AdId", 
     a.UserId as "UserId", 
     a.Title as "Title", 
     a.ImageURL as "ImageURL", 
     a.RefURL as "RefURL", 
     a.CreateDate as "CreateDate", 
     a.StartDate as "StartDate", 
     a.RunTill as "RunTill", 
     a.Budget as "Budget", 
     a.Status as "Status", 
     (a.budget - COALESCE(Q1.A2,0)) as "Remaining" 
    from Ad a 
      AdId as A1, 
      count(*) as A2 
     from Referral 
     where date(ReferralDate)=date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) 
     group by AdId 
    ) as Q1 
    ON a.AdId = Q1.A1 
    and a.StartDate<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    and a.RunTill>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    and a.Status = 1 
) as Q2 
where u.Authorized = true 
and u.Balance>1 
and u.UserId = Q2.UserId 
order by Q2.Remaining desc; 

上面的查詢有一個過濾器a.Status = 1,但結果是,我越來越有狀態行!= 1爲好。結果集如下:

| AdId   | UserId  | Title       | ImageURL              | RefURL       | CreateDa 
te   | StartDate   | RunTill    | Budget | Status | Remaining | 
| 382944516829 | 724511865288 | Online Advertising for Nepal | /static/image/adimage/noimage.jpg        | http://www.nepaladz.com  | 2011-11- 
03 13:47:47 | 2011-11-03 00:00:00 | 2011-11-30 00:00:00 | 100 |  0 |  100 | 
| 973252821643 | 724511865288 | Models, news, fashion and more | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/7.jpg | http://www.cybersansar.com  | 2011-10- 
18 15:57:49 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:57:49 |  70 |  1 |  70 | 
| 805400799468 | 724511865288 | Alibaba market     | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/4.jpg | http://www.alibaba.com   | 2011-10- 
18 15:54:42 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:54:42 |  60 |  1 |  60 | 
| 333179565363 | 724511865288 | Nepal AT&T Network    | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/3.jpg | http://www.att.com    | 2011-10- 
18 15:54:00 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:54:00 |  60 |  1 |  60 | 
| 576540783739 | 724511865288 | Travel with us!    | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/8.jpg | http://www.manang.com   | 2011-10- 
18 15:58:39 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:58:39 |  45 |  1 |  43 | 
| 011731192504 | 724511865288 | Nepal Online Shopping   | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/11.jpg | http://www.harilo.com   | 2011-10- 
18 16:02:32 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 16:02:32 |  45 |  1 |  42 | 
| 232044045570 | 724511865288 | Himalayan Java     | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/1.jpg | http://www.himalayanjava.com | 2011-10- 
18 15:51:34 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:51:34 |  30 |  1 |  30 | 
| 471978035014 | 724511865288 | Home TV. 50% discount   | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/5.jpg | http://www.dishhome.com.np  | 2011-10- 
18 15:56:03 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:56:03 |  30 |  1 |  30 | 
| 543726500808 | 724511865288 | Live the adventure    | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/9.jpg | http://www.adventuresnepal.com | 2011-10- 
18 15:59:21 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:59:21 |  25 |  1 |  25 | 
| 757765466809 | 724511865288 | Wanna meet me? Click here  | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/10.jpg | http://www.missnepal.com.np | 2011-10- 
18 16:00:14 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 16:00:14 |  25 |  1 |  23 | 
| 890639256469 | 724511865288 | Learn dance from Gurus   | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/6.jpg | http://www.salsanepal.com  | 2011-10- 
18 15:56:45 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:56:45 |  15 |  1 |  15 | 
| 838481835983 | 724511865288 | Fashionista Nepal    | http://nepalads.servehttp.com:8080/static/image/adimage/2.jpg | http://www.nepalfashion.com | 2011-10- 
18 15:53:06 | 2011-11-03 10:59:57 | 2011-11-18 15:53:06 |  15 |  1 |  14 | 


在此先感謝。 詹姆斯


我應該在發佈之前嘗試過自己。它使用了一個簡單的調整。在ON後更改第一個AND之後工作到WHERE。 – James



您應該移動和a.Status = 1 where子句:

select Q2.* 
from User u,(
     a.adId as "AdId", 
     a.UserId as "UserId", 
     a.Title as "Title", 
     a.ImageURL as "ImageURL", 
     a.RefURL as "RefURL", 
     a.CreateDate as "CreateDate", 
     a.StartDate as "StartDate", 
     a.RunTill as "RunTill", 
     a.Budget as "Budget", 
     a.Status as "Status", 
     (a.budget - COALESCE(Q1.A2,0)) as "Remaining" 
    from Ad a 
      AdId as A1, 
      count(*) as A2 
     from Referral 
     where date(ReferralDate)=date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) 
     group by AdId 
    ) as Q1 
    ON a.AdId = Q1.A1 
    and a.RunTill>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    and a.Status = 1 
) as Q2 
where u.Authorized = true 
and u.Balance>1 
and u.UserId = Q2.UserId 
order by Q2.Remaining desc; 

你和我完全一樣的時間:)謝謝。 +1並被接受:) – James


當我提供答案並且頁面被刷新時,我看到了您的評論。抱歉。 – danihp



我得到行與狀態! = 1以及

原因是因爲您有a.Status = 1作爲LEFT JOIN的連接條件的一部分。因此,正確的解決方案將使用INNER JOIN或將該過濾器作爲where子句的一部分。


謝謝。糾正。 – James