2012-11-16 66 views

我使用maven在GWT中創建了一個默認模塊的項目。和更名有* Test.java測試用例類和執行該命令MVN包初始化GWT TestCase執行錯誤

它不是成功執行測試的情況下,並用 試驗在錯誤終止: initializationError(com.gwt.example。 project.testing.client.GwtTesttestingTest):com/google/gwt/dev/cfg/Condition。


如果我嘗試在Eclipse中右鍵點擊執行測試用例,並運行作爲GWT JUnit測試,它一直在不停止執行,


Validating newly compiled units 
    Ignored 12 units with compilation errors in first pass. 
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors. 
Starting on browser FF3 
200 - GET /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junit-standards.html?gwt.codesvr= ( 2449 bytes 
logging for HtmlUnit thread 
    [WARN] Expected content type of 'application/javascript' or 'application/ecmascript' for remotely loaded JavaScript element at '', but got 'application/x-javascript'. 
200 - GET /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit.nocache.js ( 6344 bytes 
200 - GET /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/hosted.html?com_gwt_example_project_testing_testingJUnit_JUnit ( 11757 bytes 
200 - GET /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/gwt/standard/standard.css ( 26953 bytes 
Validating newly compiled units 
    Ignored 12 units with compilation errors in first pass. 
Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors. 
Module com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit has been loaded 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 
All clients connected (Limiting future permutations to: gecko1_8) 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 
[WARN] Too many clients: expected 1, found 2 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 
[WARN] Too many clients: expected 1, found 3 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 
[WARN] Too many clients: expected 1, found 4 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 
[WARN] Too many clients: expected 1, found 5 
200 - POST /com.gwt.example.project.testing.testingJUnit.JUnit/junithost ( 434 bytes 





一些配置文件定義的,所以看看自述。 Maven pom.xml中用於引導GWT測試的大部分內容都直接來自文檔。