2015-01-13 46 views

當用戶點擊按鈕的日子裏,該腳本會生成一個隨機數,然後顯示相應的工作日。下面的代碼是我到目前爲止,唉,它似乎並沒有工作。 我調試過它,顯然myfunction沒有定義?!使用功能,顯示隨機數,然後ifelse語句來分配一週

<!DOCTYPE html> 


    <p>Click the button to display a random number between 1 and 7</p> 

    <button onclick="myFunction()">Get Random</button> 

    <p id="task1"></p> 

     function myFunction() { 
     var x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 7 + 1); 
     document.getElementById("task1").innerHTML = x; 

     if (x===1) 
      document.write("today is sunday"); 
     else if(x===2) 
      document.write("today is monday"); 
     else if(x===3) 
      document.write("today is tuesday"); 
     else if(x===4) 
      document.write("today is wednesday"); 
     else if(x===5) 
      document.write("today is thursday"); 
     else if(x===6) 
      document.write("today is friday"); 
     else if(x===7) 
      document.write("today is saturday"); 




我注意到var x = Math.floor((Math.random()* 7 + 1);中的括號是不平衡的。 – eigenchris



var x是在myFunction體定義當地變量。它不能在您的功能之外訪問(在您所有的if中)。

你也有你的var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 1);聲明多餘的左括號。


function myFunction() { 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 1); 
    document.getElementById("task1").innerHTML = x;   

    if (x===1) 
     document.write("today is sunday"); 
    else if(x===2) 
     document.write("today is monday"); 
    else if(x===3) 
     document.write("today is tuesday"); 
    else if(x===4) 
     document.write("today is wednesday"); 
    else if(x===5) 
     document.write("today is thursday"); 
    else if(x===6) 
     document.write("today is friday"); 
    else if(x===7) 
     document.write("today is saturday"); 

謝謝,感謝您的解釋和修復 – Rojito


@Rojito歡迎您! – zavg



變種X = Math.floor(的Math.random()* 7 + 1); 的document.getElementById( 「任務1」)的innerHTML = X。;




function myFunction() { 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 1); 
    document.getElementById("task1").innerHTML = x; 
    if (x===1) 
     document.write("today is sunday"); 
    else if(x===2) 
     document.write("today is monday"); 
    else if(x===3) 
     document.write("today is tuesday"); 
    else if(x===4) 
     document.write("today is wednesday"); 
    else if(x===5) 
     document.write("today is thursday"); 
    else if(x===6) 
     document.write("today is friday"); 
    else if(x===7) 
     document.write("today is saturday"); 
<p>Click the button to display a random number between 1 and 7</p> 

    <button onclick="myFunction()">Get Random</button> 

    <p id="task1"></p>



//declare the object that holds the days. 
    var days=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]; 

//declare your function that's triggered when clicking the button. 
    function myFunction(){ 

//declare your variable x that generates random numbers between 0 and 7 , 
// it starts from 0 because the first day "sunday" is days[0] not days[1]. 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*7); 

//write the result in the p element 
    document.getElementById("task1").innerHTML ="today is "+ days[x]; 
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Here</button> 
<p id="task1"></p>


用代碼回答問題時,應該包含一些關於代碼如何回答問題的文字說明。通常,僅有代碼的答案對其他人不太有用。 –