class MyClass {
private var timer:Timer?
public var starting:Int = -1 // to keep track of starting time of execution
public var ending:Int = -1 // to keep track of ending time
init() {}
func invoke() {
// timer would be executed every 10s
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 10.0, target: self, selector: #selector(performAction), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
starting = getSeconds()
print("time init:: \(starting) second")
@objc func performAction() {
print("performing action ... ")
say that the starting time was 55s, after 10s, we would get 05 seconds, which is correct. However for testing purpose if we get a number from 1 to 9 we'll add 60s. This analogy works because ending depends on starting time
ending = (1...9).contains(getSeconds()) ? getSeconds() + 60 : getSeconds()
print("time end:: \(ending) seconds")
private func resetTimer() {
print("timer is been reseted")
private func getSeconds()-> Int {
let seconds = Calendar.current.component(.second, from: Date())
return seconds
public func fullStop() {
print("Full Stop here")
let testObj = MyClass()
// at init both starting && ending should be -1
XCTAssertEqual(testObj.starting, -1)
XCTAssertEqual(testObj.ending, -1)
// after invoking, the first member to be changed is starting
let startTime = testObj.starting
XCTAssertNotEqual(startTime, -1)
- at first run, ending is still -1
- let's for wait 10 seconds
- you should use async method, XCTWaiter and expectation here
- this is just to give you a perspective or way of structuring your solution
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 10) {
let startTimeCopy = startTime
let endingTime = testObj.ending
XCTAssertNotEqual(endingTime, -1)
// take the difference between start and end
let diff = endingTime - startTime
print("diff \(diff)")
// no matter the time, diff should be 10
XCTAssertEqual(diff, 10)
如果您希望測試等待某種異步情況,則可以使用'XCTestExpectation'。 – Rob
@Rob在myObject.timer上的代碼效果也是同步的,所以不需要XCTestExpectation,對吧? – lonesomewhistle