replaceTemplates("This is a {test}", Map('test -> "game"))
(replace-templates "This is a {test}" {:test "game"})
將返回"This is a game"
def replaceTemplates(text: String,
templates: Map[Symbol, String]): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder(text)
def loop(key: String,
keyLength: Int,
value: String): StringBuilder = {
val index = builder.lastIndexOf(key)
if (index < 0) builder
else {
builder.replace(index, index + keyLength, value)
loop(key, keyLength, value)
templates.foreach {
case (key, value) =>
val template = "{" + key.name + "}"
loop(template, template.length, value)
(defn replace-templates
"Return a String with each occurrence of a substring of the form {key}
replaced with the corresponding value from a map parameter.
@param str the String in which to do the replacements
@param m a map of keyword->value"
[text m]
(let [sb (StringBuilder. text)]
(letfn [(replace-all [key key-length value]
(let [index (.lastIndexOf sb key)]
(if (< index 0)
(.replace sb index (+ index key-length) value)
(recur key key-length value)))))]
(doseq [[key value] m]
(let [template (str "{" (name key) "}")]
(replace-all template (count template) value))))
(.toString sb)))
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, {foo} mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. {bar} Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis {baz} venenatis {foo}
lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in {bar} neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo.
""", Map('foo -> "HELLO", 'bar -> "GOODBYE", 'baz -> "FORTY-TWO"))
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, HELLO mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. GOODBYE Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis FORTY-TWO venenatis HELLO
lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in GOODBYE neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo.
更新2:這是一個更好的Scala實現; O(n)中的字符串的長度。請注意,我根據幾個人的建議將Map
修改爲[String, String]
而不是[Symbol, String]
* Replace templates of the form {key} in the input String with values from the Map.
* @param text the String in which to do the replacements
* @param templates a Map from Symbol (key) to value
* @returns the String with all occurrences of the templates replaced by their values
def replaceTemplates(text: String,
templates: Map[String, String]): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder
val textLength = text.length
def loop(text: String): String = {
if (text.length == 0) builder.toString
else if (text.startsWith("{")) {
val brace = text.indexOf("}")
if (brace < 0) builder.append(text).toString
else {
val replacement = templates.get(text.substring(1, brace)).orNull
if (replacement != null) {
loop(text.substring(brace + 1))
} else {
} else {
val brace = text.indexOf("{")
if (brace < 0) builder.append(text).toString
else {
builder.append(text.substring(0, brace))
(use 'clojure.test)
(deftest test-replace-templates
(is (= ; No templates
(replace-templates "this is a test" {:foo "FOO"})
"this is a test"))
(is (= ; One simple template
(replace-templates "this is a {foo} test" {:foo "FOO"})
"this is a FOO test"))
(is (= ; Two templates, second at end of input string
(replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar}" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
"this is a FOO test BAR"))
(is (= ; Two templates
(replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar} 42" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
"this is a FOO test BAR 42"))
(is (= ; Second brace-enclosed item is NOT a template
(replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {baz} 42" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
"this is a FOO test {baz} 42"))
(is (= ; Second item is not a template (no closing brace)
(replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
"this is a FOO test {bar"))
(is (= ; First item is enclosed in a non-template brace-pair
(replace-templates "this is {a {foo} test} {bar" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
"this is {a FOO test} {bar")))
的關鍵是在編譯時已知?如果是這樣,這太複雜了 – 2011-05-24 12:26:27
@Kim Stebel:這是怎麼回事?我如何改進它? – Ralph 2011-05-24 12:32:33
@ralph從clojure.contrib.strint看['<<'](http://clojure.github.com/clojure-contrib/strint-api.html#clojure.contrib.strint/%3C%3C) '。我認爲它也轉移到了新的貢獻。不過,這只是編譯時間。 – kotarak 2011-05-24 12:41:40