我正在使用play framework和JPA。幾乎沒有消息傳遞給Akka Actor以進行異步處理。在異步過程中,我需要通過JPA連接我的數據庫。如何在Akka actor中連接播放持久性(JPA)?
public class OrderCreation extends UntypedActor {
private EntityManagerFactory emFact = null;
private ActorSelection provisioner;
@Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void onReceive(Object order) throws Exception {
//HERE I need to do JPA related transactions
public void postStop() throws Exception {
public void preStart() throws Exception {
provisioner =getContext().actorSelection("/user/OrderProvisioner");
emFact = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("test-data-play");
[akka://application/user/OrderCreation] No EntityManager bound to this thread. Try wrapping this call in JPA.withTransaction, or ensure that the HTTP context is setup on this thread.
java.lang.RuntimeException: No EntityManager bound to this thread. Try wrapping this call in JPA.withTransaction, or ensure that the HTTP context is setup on this thread.
at play.db.jpa.JPA.em(JPA.java:58)
JPA和akka已經注意到了彼此。我不會註釋onReceive方法,在那裏尋找麻煩。 – Snickers3192
我通過使用JPA.withTransaction解決了這個問題,就像錯誤消息所述 – kopelitsa