我用Bottle:Python web框架創建了一個小型wiki頁面。現在每件事情都很好。您可以創建一篇文章,方法是轉到「創建一篇新文章」並給它一個標題並寫下一些文本。然後,所有創建的文章將顯示在列表中的索引頁面上,您可以單擊它們以打開並閱讀。使用Python的小型網頁
from bottle import route, run, template, request, static_file
from os import listdir
import sys
def serce_static(filname):
return static_file(filname, root="static")
def list_articles():
This is the home page, which shows a list of links to all articles
in the wiki.
files = listdir("wiki")
articles = []
for i in files:
lista = i.split('.')
word = lista[0]
lista1 = word.split('/')
return template("index", articles=articles)
def show_article(article):
Displays the user´s text for the user
wikifile = open('wiki/' + article + '.txt', 'r')
text = wikifile.read()
return template('page', title = article, text = text)
def edit_form():
Shows a form which allows the user to input a title and content
for an article. This form should be sent via POST to /update/.
return template('edit')
@route('/update/', method='POST')
def update_article():
Receives page title and contents from a form, and creates/updates a
text file for that page.
title = request.forms.title
text = request.forms.text
tx = open('wiki/' + title + '.txt', 'w')
return template('thanks', title=title, text=text)
run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)