在python中編程相對較新,感謝您提供了我在另一個python項目上提供的最後一個問題上提供的所有快速幫助。無論如何,我爲Python項目編寫了一個新程序,該程序爲餐飲場所生成賬單。這是我的代碼如下,一切運行良好,我得到了項目所需的預期結果,我所經歷的兩個問題是,1。我需要沙漠的代價來打印---> 3.0,但--- --- > $ 3.00,實際上,我怎樣才能打印美元符號,以及如果是3.0 - > 3.00,或45.0 - > 45.00 ..以及美元符號在價格之前。很抱歉,如果這樣的事情已經被問..在python中打印出合適的紙幣生成程序
import math
# constants
Cost_Per_Desert = 3.00
Tax_Rate = .075
Gratuity_Tips = .15
Adult_Meal_Cost = 12.75
Child_Meal_Cost = .60*12.75
Room_Fee = 450.00
Less_Deposit = 250.00
def main():
# Input Section
Name = input("\n\n Customer:\t\t\t ")
Number_Of_Adults = int(input(" Number of Adults:\t\t "))
Number_Of_Children = int(input(" Number of Children:\t\t "))
Number_Of_Deserts = int(input(" Number of Deserts:\t\t "))
print("\n\nCost Of Meal Per Adult:\t\t" , Adult_Meal_Cost)
print("Cost of Meal Per Child:\t\t" , round(Child_Meal_Cost,2))
print("Cost Per Desert:\t\t" , round(Cost_Per_Desert,2))
# Processing/Calculations
Total_Adult_Meal_Cost = Adult_Meal_Cost* Number_Of_Adults
Total_Child_Meal_Cost = Child_Meal_Cost* Number_Of_Children
Total_Desert_Cost = Cost_Per_Desert* Number_Of_Deserts
Total_Food_Cost = Total_Adult_Meal_Cost + Total_Child_Meal_Cost + Total_Desert_Cost
Total_Taxes = Total_Food_Cost * Tax_Rate
Tips = Total_Food_Cost * Gratuity_Tips
Total_Bill = Total_Food_Cost + Total_Taxes + Tips + Room_Fee
# Output Section
print("\n\n Total Cost for Adult Meals: \t", Total_Adult_Meal_Cost)
print(" Total Cost for Childs Meals: \t", Total_Child_Meal_Cost)
print(" Total Cost for Desert: \t", Total_Desert_Cost)
print(" Total Food Cost: \t\t", Total_Food_Cost)
print("\n\n Plus 7.5% Taxes: \t\t", round(Total_Taxes,2))
print(" Plus 15.0% Tips: \t\t", round(Tips,2))
print(" Plus Room Fee: \t\t", Room_Fee)
print("\n\n Total Bill: \t\t\t", round(Total_Bill,2))
print(" Less Deposit: \t\t\t", Less_Deposit)
print("\n\nBalance Due: \t\t\t", round(Total_Bill - Less_Deposit,2))
print("\n\n\n\n\t\t Thank You For Using Passaic County Catering Services. ")
input("\n\n\n\n\nPress Enter to Continue")
可能的複製[限制浮點數到兩個小數點](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/455612/limiting-floats-to-two-decimal-points) – YBathia
看看[這裏:](https://pyformat.info ) – jfsturtz