問題1 - 有沒有辦法查看在wcf服務調用中編組數據的方法?
Interface IX
List<string> list;
Dictionary<string,MyType> dict;
Interface IY : IX
List<string> list2;
Dictionary<string,MyType2> dict2;
Interface IService
DataSet MethodX(IX arg);
DataSet MethodY(IY arg);
class service : IService { }
class A : IY { }
問題2 - 得到什麼叫MethodX & MethodY時,按如下
A instance = new A();
service s = new service();
// init instance & Service
s.MethodA(instance); // what carries over to service on machine B ?
s.MethodB(instance); // same question - full A or only properties of IY ?
將看看記錄的東西, – Kumar 2010-09-15 21:13:23