2013-07-30 19 views

我想在Windows 7上用Visual Studio 2012(x64)設置Ogre 1.9。我已經成功地化解了一些錯誤,但我得到一個錯誤消息框與文本:OgreSdk 1.9.1 - 斷言失敗

Assertion failed! 

Program: C:\OgreSDK\bin\Debug\OgreOverlay_d.dll 
File: ..\..\..\..\..\Components\Overlay\src\Ogre...Manager.cpp 
Line: 52 

Expression: msSingleton 

For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++  documentation on asserts 

(Press Retry o debug the application - JIT must be enabled) 

我再給予3個選項:中止,重試和忽略。放棄是我可以做的唯一一個不需要按Ctrl + Alt + Delete和重新啓動電腦的人。


Render System=OpenGL Rendering Subsystem 

[Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem] 
Allow DirectX9Ex=No 
Allow NVPerfHUD=No 
Fixed Pipeline Enabled=Yes 
Floating-point mode=Fastest 
Full Screen=Yes 
Multi device memory hint=Use minimum system memory 
Rendering Device=Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti 
Resource Creation Policy=Create on all devices 
Use Multihead=Auto 
VSync Interval=1 
Video Mode=800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour 
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No 

[Direct3D11 Rendering Subsystem] 
Allow NVPerfHUD=No 
Driver type=Hardware 
Floating-point mode=Fastest 
Full Screen=Yes 
Information Queue Exceptions Bottom Level=Info (exception on any message) 
Max Requested Feature Levels=11.0 
Min Requested Feature Levels=9.1 
Rendering Device=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti 
VSync Interval=1 
Video Mode=800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour 
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No 

[OpenGL Rendering Subsystem] 
Colour Depth=32 
Display Frequency=60 
Fixed Pipeline Enabled=Yes 
Full Screen=Yes 
RTT Preferred Mode=FBO 
VSync Interval=1 
Video Mode=1024 x 768 
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No 


04:08:53: Parsing scripts for resource group Essential 
04:08:53: Parsing script SdkTrays.material 
04:08:54: Parsing script OgreProfiler.material 
04:08:54: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Essential 
04:08:54: Creating resources for group Essential 
04:08:54: All done 
04:08:54: Parsing scripts for resource group General 
04:08:54: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General 
04:08:54: Creating resources for group General 
04:08:54: All done 
04:08:54: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal 
04:08:54: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal 
04:08:54: Creating resources for group Internal 
04:08:54: All done 
04:08:54: Parsing scripts for resource group Popular 
04:08:54: Parsing script DualQuaternion.program 
04:08:54: Parsing script Examples.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script Instancing.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script StdQuad_vp.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script deferred_post.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script ShadowCaster.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script GBuffer.program 
04:08:55: Parsing script triplanarReference.program 
04:08:56: Parsing script ASCII.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script ASMSwizzle.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script BlackAndWhite.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script Bloom.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script Bloom2.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script CGSwizzle.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script CompositorDemo.material 
04:08:56: Parsing script DepthShadowmap.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script Dither.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script DOF.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script DualQuaternion.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script Embossed.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script Example-Water.material 
04:08:57: Parsing script Examples-Advanced.material 
04:08:59: Compiler error: object unsupported by render system in Examples-Advanced.material(617): , Shader name: Examples/FresnelRefractReflectPS 
04:08:59: Parsing script Examples-DynTex.material 
04:08:59: Parsing script Examples-Water.material 
04:08:59: Parsing script Examples.material 
04:09:03: Parsing script facial.material 
04:09:03: Parsing script Glass.material 
04:09:03: Parsing script GLSLSwizzle.material 
04:09:03: Parsing script Halftone.material 
04:09:03: Parsing script hdr.material 
04:09:04: Parsing script HeatVision.material 
04:09:04: Parsing script Hurt.material 
04:09:04: Parsing script HWInstancing.material 
04:09:04: Parsing script HW_VTFInstancing.material 
04:09:05: Parsing script HW_VTF_LUTInstancing.material 
04:09:06: Parsing script instancing.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script InstancingMisc.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script Invert.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script IsoSurf.material 
04:09:07: Problem parsing the following Cg Uniform: '@TMP29' in file Ogre/IsoSurf/TessellateTetrahedraGS_CG 
04:09:07: Parsing script Laplace.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script MotionBlur.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script MRTtest.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script NightVision.material 
04:09:07: Parsing script Ocean.material 
04:09:09: Parsing script OffsetMapping.material 
04:09:09: Compiler error: object unsupported by render system in OffsetMapping.material(35): , Shader name: Examples/OffsetMappingPSAsm 
04:09:09: Parsing script Ogre.material 
04:09:09: Parsing script OldMovie.material 
04:09:09: Parsing script OldTV.material 
04:09:09: Parsing script ParticleGS.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script Penguin.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script Posterize.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script pssm.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script RadialBlur.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script RasterizationOrder.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script RZR-002.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script ShaderInstancing.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script ShaderSystem.material 
04:09:10: Parsing script shadows.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script SharpenEdges.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script sibenik.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script smoke.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script Tesselation.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script Tiling.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script VarianceShadowmap.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script VTFInstancing.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script deferreddemo.material 
04:09:11: Parsing script deferred_post.material 
04:09:12: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.material 
04:09:12: Parsing script ShadowCaster.material 
04:09:12: Parsing script ssao.material 
04:09:12: Parsing script ROOM.material 
04:09:12: Parsing script DualQuaternionSkinning_Shadow.material 
04:09:13: Parsing script HardwareSkinningShadow.material 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called worldMatrix does not exist. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1637) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(206): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called viewProjMatrix does not exist. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1637) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(207): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/RTShader/shadow_receiver_ps: The compile returned an error. 
(0) : error C3001: no program defined 
in CgProgram::compileMicrocode at ..\..\..\..\..\PlugIns\CgProgramManager\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 67) 
04:09:14: High-level program Ogre/RTShader/shadow_receiver_ps encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported. 
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/RTShader/shadow_receiver_ps: The compile returned an error. 
(0) : error C3001: no program defined 
in CgProgram::compileMicrocode at ..\..\..\..\..\PlugIns\CgProgramManager\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 67) 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Named constants have not been initialised, perhaps a compile error. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1627) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(219): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called texViewProjMatrix0 does not exist. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1637) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(239): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called texViewProjMatrix1 does not exist. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1637) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(240): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called texViewProjMatrix2 does not exist. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1637) 
04:09:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in HardwareSkinningShadow.material(241): setting of constant failed 
04:09:14: Parsing script RTShaderSystem.material 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(23): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(52): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(81): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(110): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(146): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(81): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(162): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(81): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(110): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in RTShaderSystem.material(211): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Parsing script TriplanarTexturing.material 
04:09:14: Compiler error: unknown error in TriplanarTexturing.material(9): token "rtshader_system" is not recognized 
04:09:14: Parsing script ROOM.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script CreaseShading.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script Crytek.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script GBuffer.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script HemisphereMC.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script HorizonBased.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script Modulate.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script ShowDepth.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script ShowNormals.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script ShowViewPos.material 
04:09:14: Parsing script SSAOPost.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script UnsharpMask.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script Volumetric.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script triplanarReference.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script RomanBath.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script Sinbad.material 
04:09:15: Parsing script emitted_emitter.particle 
04:09:15: Parsing script Examples-Water.particle 
04:09:16: Parsing script Examples.particle 
04:09:16: Parsing script smoke.particle 
04:09:16: Parsing script Examples.compositor 
04:09:16: Parsing script deferred.compositor 
04:09:17: Parsing script ssao.compositor 
04:09:17: Parsing script SSAO.compositor 
04:09:17: Parsing script SSAOPost.compositor 
04:09:17: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Popular 
04:09:17: Creating resources for group Popular 
04:09:17: All done 
04:09:17: Parsing scripts for resource group Tests 
04:09:17: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Tests 
04:09:17: Creating resources for group Tests 
04:09:17: All done 
04:09:17: *** Initializing OIS *** 



注:剛纔檢查調試輸出,聲明中的OIS初始化失敗後,後線,' 'Ogre.exe' 的(Win32):已加載 'C:\ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ hid.dll'。 'Ogre.exe'(Win32):Loaded'C:\ Windows \ System32 \ winmm.dll'。 ' – Oldfrith


另請注意:這是使用Ogre Wiki教程框架。我試圖讓一切都很好地建立起來,以便我可以開始開發。 – Oldfrith



聽起來像你沒有正確地初始化Ogre :: OverlaySystem。請參閱下面的代碼片段,摘自Ogre 1.9 Porting Notes

Ogre::OverlaySystem* pOverlaySystem = new Ogre::OverlaySystem(); 