2016-11-26 14 views

我正在學習邁克爾& Scott的無鎖隊列算法並試圖用C++實現它。解釋邁克爾和斯科特無鎖隊列算法


我這裏看報紙: Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms 和原始出隊的僞代碼如下:

dequeue(Q: pointer to queue_t, pvalue: pointer to data type): boolean 
D1: loop       // Keep trying until Dequeue is done 
D2:  head = Q->Head    // Read Head 
D3:  tail = Q->Tail    // Read Tail 
D4:  next = head.ptr->next  // Read Head.ptr->next 
D5:  if head == Q->Head   // Are head, tail, and next consistent? 
D6:   if head.ptr == tail.ptr // Is queue empty or Tail falling behind? 
D7:   if next.ptr == NULL // Is queue empty? 
D8:    return FALSE  // Queue is empty, couldn't dequeue 
D9:   endif 
       // Tail is falling behind. Try to advance it 
D10:   CAS(&Q->Tail, tail, <next.ptr, tail.count+1>) 
D11:   else     // No need to deal with Tail 
       // Read value before CAS 
       // Otherwise, another dequeue might free the next node 
D12:   *pvalue = next.ptr->value 
       // Try to swing Head to the next node 
D13:   if CAS(&Q->Head, head, <next.ptr, head.count+1>) 
D14:    break    // Dequeue is done. Exit loop 
D15:   endif 
D16:   endif 
D17:  endif 
D18: endloop 
D19: free(head.ptr)    // It is safe now to free the old node 
D20: return TRUE     // Queue was not empty, dequeue succeeded 


  1. 線程1前進到D3然後停下來。
  2. 線程2提前至D3,讀同樣的頭,螺紋1
  3. 線程2幸運的是先進的一路D20,D19在其釋放head.ptr
  4. 線程1繼續和先進D4,試圖閱讀head.ptr->next,但由於head.ptr已被線程1釋放,發生崩潰。


