select t.range as [range], count(*) as frequency
from (select case
when x.sum between 0.5 and 100 then '0.5 - 100'
when x.sum between 100.5 and 1000 then '100.5 - 1000'
when x.sum between 1000.5 and 2000 then '1000.5 - 2000'
end as range
from (select l.id, sum(i.price) sum
from lists l
join items i
on i.list_id = l.id
join line_items li
on li.item_id = i.id and li.reversal_id is null
group by l.id) x) t
group by t.range;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '[range], count(*) as frequency
from (select case
when x.sum b' at line 1
刪除括號 – splash58
@ splash58居然有2個錯誤,你提到的支架和戈登·利諾夫指出的保留字的使用範圍 – sugaryourcoffee