我正在創建一個Highstock圖表來顯示每天收到的電子郵件數量。我有每天更新一個JSON文件,可以在下面看到:epoch datetime在HighStock圖表中顯示不正確
"name": "Month",
"data": [1471993200000, 1472079600000, 1472166000000, 1472252400000, 1472338800000, 1472425200000, 1472511600000, 1472598000000, 1472684400000, 1472770800000, 1472857200000, 1472943600000, 1473030000000, 1473116400000, 1473202800000, 1473289200000, 1473375600000, 1473462000000, 1473548400000, 1473634800000, 1473721200000, 1473807600000, 1473894000000, 1473980400000, 1474066800000, 1474153200000, 1474239600000, 1474326000000, 1474412400000, 1474498800000, 1474585200000, 1474671600000, 1474758000000, 1474844400000, 1474930800000, 1475017200000, 1475103600000, 1475190000000, 1475276400000, 1475362800000, 1475449200000, 1475535600000, 1475622000000, 1475708400000, 1475794800000, 1475881200000, 1475967600000, 1476054000000, 1476140400000, 1476226800000, 1476313200000, 1476399600000, 1476486000000, 1476572400000, 1476658800000, 1476745200000, 1476831600000, 1476918000000, 1477004400000, 1477090800000, 1477177200000, 1477263600000, 1477350000000, 1477436400000, 1477522800000, 1477609200000, 1477695600000, 1477782000000, 1477872000000, 1477958400000, 1478044800000, 1478131200000, 1478217600000]
"name": "numOfEmails:",
"data": [6973, 19953, 24802, 11488, 3430, 5067, 4967, 11634, 11852, 5326, 11096, 10412, 11031, 7645, 181808, 50117, 68233, 8274, 140612, 166004, 46222, 17730, 236838, 85155, 22113, 90837, 21981, 58824, 90409, 32079, 126217, 165484, 152788, 8028, 85894, 12304, 10294, 3568, 100334, 131946, 8691, 7572, 7721, 253608, 817, 116161, 1104148, 1250817, 15616, 270738, 123211, 150237, 69436, 84920, 189798, 101596, 48121, 120699, 82919, 10025, 281948, 37501, 50315, 15240, 115791, 15799, 19682, 29942, 2128, 23952, 149181, 6535, 5]
爲X軸,我使用type: 'datetime'
但顯示日期爲00:00:00.010, 00:00:00.020, ...
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container_chart',
type: 'area',
title: {
text: 'Emails received daily'
subtitle: {
text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ?
'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' : 'Pinch the chart to zoom in'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Number received'
legend: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
area: {
stacking: 'normal',
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1,
marker: {
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: '#666666'
series: []
$.getJSON("./emailsCaptured_c2.json", function(json) {
options.xAxis.categories = json[0]['data'];
options.series[0] = json[1];
chart = new Highcharts.stockChart(options);
labels: {
format: '{value:%d/%m/%Y}'