Why does calling boost:split() give so many warnings?與升壓::分裂警告編譯
Account ParseString(string data){
vector <string> fields;
boost::split(fields, data, boost::is_any_of("a,;"));
int limit = fields.size();
for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
cout << fields[i] << endl;
d:\program files (x86)\visualstudio\vc\include\xutility(2227): warning C4996: 'std::_Copy_impl': Function call with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators'
可以禁用該警告。 –
[此警告是MSVC2012中的錯誤](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12618087/vs-11-d-scl-secure-no-warnings-in-vs-10-treated-as-errors-now )。 – rubenvb