我在elif語句中選擇Y和N有問題。 如果我輸入n,它會正確輸出n的elif選擇,但如果我輸入y,它仍會輸出n選項而不是elif選擇y。我不知道爲什麼這樣做。對於代碼感到抱歉,如果錯誤清楚,我是python新手。
我檢查了選擇,它確實保持n或y的選擇,但只是執行n,即使輸入y也是如此。elif statment始終執行,即使輸入有誤
if os.path.exists('ExifOutput.txt'):
print "The file appears to already exist, would you like to overwrite it?"
Choice = raw_input("Y/N : ")
if not re.match("^[Y,y,N,n]*$", Choice):
print "Error! Only Choice Y or N allowed!"
elif len(Choice) > 1:
print "Error! Only 1 character allowed!"
elif not Choice:
print "No choice made"
elif Choice == 'N' or 'n':
print "Save the old file to a different directory and try again"
elif Choice == 'Y' or 'y':
print "The file will be overwritten by a new one"
ExifRetrieval(listing, FileLocation)
print "Completed" + "\n"
ExifRetrieval(listing, FileLocation)
print "Completed" + "\n"
注意,[PEP-8](http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)建議保留'CapWords'對類名,和''lowercase_with_underscores'用於函數名和局部變量。 – 2012-04-27 14:06:16
僅供參考:如果您立即將您的輸入轉換爲小寫(或大寫),那麼您將不必擔心比較多種情況,而且您的邏輯將更簡單。 – Levon 2012-04-27 14:26:00