2016-11-04 34 views

好,所以我拋出了一個項目,並且我的JS經驗有限。我正在嘗試製作一個腳本,它能夠獲得一些單選按鈕單擊和文本輸入的結果,並將它們放在一起,以便將它們導向到一個IP上。 我的代碼有點工作哈哈,但我知道必須有更乾淨的方式。 當我不記得我如何嘗試這樣做,但它涉及document.getelementbyname(「loc).value,但它返回undefined ..現在,我試圖做同樣的事情與」港口「無線電我想做的事情正確的。對不起,如果我搞砸這個職位了。單選按鈕傳遞的值有問題

<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="16" onclick= "clt();" />Carolinas</label><br> 
<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="17" onclick= "geo();"/>Georgia</label><br> 
<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="18" onclick= "sxw();"/>Xpress</label><br><br> 

<label><input type="number" placeholder="Store Number" id="thirdOct" /> </label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="90"/>Port 90</label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="91"/>Port 91</label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="92"/>Port 92</label> 
<input type="submit" class="fsSubmitButton" value="Connect" onclick="makeIp();" /> 

var ipAdd; 
var sNum = "0"; 
var int = [":", 81 ]; 

// had to go this route for a value, because when I try to call by document.getElementByName("loc") in my makeIp function it returns undefined for the value of "loc" 

function clt() 
{sNum = "16";} 

function geo() 
{sNum = "17";} 

function sxw() 
{ sNum = "18";} 

function makeIp() 
var storeN = document.getElementById("thirdOct").value; 
var octThree; 
if (storeN >= 300 && storeN <= 399) { 

      octThree = storeN.slice(-2); 
     if (octThree < 10) { 
      octThree = storeN.slice(-1); 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] ,"_blank"); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0]); 
     else { 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] ,"_blank"); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] ); 

else { 

     if (storeN >= 300) { 
      octThree = storeN.slice(-2); 

      if (octThree < 10) { octThree = storeN.slice(-1); 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 


      else { 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
     else { octThree = storeN; 
     var ipAdd = "http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1] ;  
     window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
     console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 



var radios = document.getElementsByName('genderS'); 

for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { 
if (radios[i].checked) { 
    // do whatever you want with the checked radio 

    // only one radio can be logically checked, don't check the rest 

您可以使用'document.querySelector(」 [name =「genderS」]:選中').value;'獲取選中的單選按鈕的值。 –





storeN >= 300 && storeN <= 399 

octThree < 10 

var rads = document.querySelectorAll(input[type=radio]); 
for(var i = 0; i < rads.length; ++i){ 
    rads[i].addEventListener("click", setVal); 

var btn = document.querySelector(input[type=button]); 
btn.addEventListener("click", makeIp); 

var sNum = 0; 
var int = [":", 81 ]; 
var ipAdd = null; 

function setVal(){ 
    sNum = parseInt(this.value, 10); 

function makeIp() { 
    var strNum = document.getElementById("thirdOct").value; 
    var storeNum = parseInt(strNum, 10); 
    var octThree = null; 
    if (storeNum >= 300 && storeNum <= 399) { 
     octThree = parseInt(strNum.slice(-2), 10); 
     if (octThree < 10) { 
      octThree = strNum.slice(-1); 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0]); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0]); 
     else { 
      window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0]); 
      console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0]); 

    } else { 

     if (storeNum >= 300) { 
      parseInt(strNum.slice(-2), 10); 

      if (octThree < 10) { 
       octThree = storeN.slice(-1); 
       window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
       console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
      } else { 
       window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
       console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
    } else { 
    octThree = storeN; 
    var ipAdd = "http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1] ;  
    window.open("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
    console.log("http://172." + sNum + "." + octThree + ".65" + int[0] + int[1],"_blank"); 
<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="16">Carolinas</label><br> 
<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="17">Georgia</label><br> 
<label><input type="radio" name="loc" value="18">Xpress</label><br><br> 

<label><input type="number" placeholder="Store Number" id="thirdOct" /> </label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="90">Port 90</label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="91">Port 91</label> 
<label><input type="radio" name="cwPort" value="92">Port 92</label> 
<input type="button" class="fsSubmitButton" value="Connect">