2015-06-20 65 views

我的情況是,我爲虛擬機配置了許多虛擬網絡接口,並且我的一些網絡甚至有兩個或更多個地址。我不需要ntpd來偵聽所有這些接口,但似乎沒有選項來限制ntpd嘗試綁定的接口。 除了所有這些「安全」選項在ntpd中,對於一個知道他的環境的系統管理員來說,最好的安全選項是不要聽任何接口。例如,根本不聽外部接口會更安全,但通過ntp配置來限制訪問。是否有任何ntpd可以配置爲只偵聽選定的接口?





  • 使用-I命令行選項ntpd的調用

    -I [address | interface name] 
         Open the network address given, or all the addresses associated 
         with the given interface name. This option may appear multiple 
         times. This option also implies not opening other addresses, 
         except wildcard and local‐ host. This option is deprecated. 
         Please consider using the configuration file interface command, 
         which is more versatile. 

    From ntp's documentation on command line options for ntpd

  • 在ntp.conf中使用interface指令:

    interface [listen | ignore | drop] [all | ipv4 | ipv6 | wildcard | name | 
         This command controls which network addresses ntpd opens, and 
         whether input is dropped without processing. The first parameter 
         determines the action for addresses which match the second 
         parameter. That parameter specifies a class of addresses, or a 
         specific interface name, or an address. In the address case, 
         prefixlen determines how many bits must match for this rule to 
         apply. ignore prevents opening matching addresses, drop causes 
         ntpd to open the address and drop all received packets without 
         examination. Multiple interface commands can be used. The last 
         rule which matches a particular address determines the action 
         for it. interface commands are disabled if any -I, --interface, 
         -L, or --novirtualips command-line options are used. If none of 
         those options are used and no interface actions are specified 
         in the configuration file, all available network addresses are 
         opened. The nic command is an alias for interface. 

    From ntp's documentation on misc configuration options:
