我通過執行遵循關於如何設置windows software repositoryPkg.install上窗口回購在top.sls文件節點組
salt node pkg.install 'firefox'
使用來自Utah_Dave firefox的答案我將得到以下錯誤消息:(鑑於firefox已經安裝在機器上,如果我重新安裝錯誤消息/日誌類似,firefox將安裝在機器上,但仍然返回False)
ID: firefox
Function: pkg.installed
Result: False
Comment: The following packages failed to install/update: firefox=40.0.3
[DEBUG ] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** attempting ** 'salt://firefox.sls'
[INFO ] Fetching file from saltenv 'base', ** done ** 'firefox.sls'
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded cmd.run
[DEBUG ] Jinja search path: ['c:\\salt\\var\\cache\\salt\\minion\\files\\base']
[DEBUG ] Rendered data from file: c:\salt\var\cache\salt\minion\files\base\firefox.sls:
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded config.get
[DEBUG ] Results of YAML rendering:
OrderedDict([('firefox', 'pkg.installed')])
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded pkg.install
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded pkg.installed
[DEBUG ] Error loading module.tls: ['PyOpenSSL version 0.14 or later must be installed before this module can be used.']
[DEBUG ] Error loading module.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
[DEBUG ] Error loading module.ipmi: No module named pyghmi.ipmi
[DEBUG ] Error loading module.npm: npm execution module could not be loaded because the npm binary could not be located
[DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad pkg.ex_mod_init
[INFO ] Running state [firefox] at time 08:18:32.643000
[INFO ] Executing state pkg.installed for firefox
[DEBUG ] Initializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Uninitializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad pkg.normalize_name
[DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad pkg.check_db
[DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad pkg.normalize_name
[DEBUG ] Initializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Uninitializing COM library
[WARNING ] Specified file https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/40.0.3/win32/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2040.0.3.exe is not present to generate hash
[DEBUG ] Reading configuration from c:\salt\conf\minion
[DEBUG ] file_roots is c:\salt\srv\salt
[DEBUG ] Using GET Method
[INFO ] Executing command ['c:\\salt\\var\\cache\\salt\\minion\\extrn_files\\base\\download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net\\pub\\firefox\\releases\\40.0.3\\win32\\en-US\\Firefox%20Setup%2040.0.3.exe', '/s'] in directory 'C:\\Users\\aes.jenkins'
[DEBUG ] Initializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Uninitializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad pkg.hold
[DEBUG ] Initializing COM library
[DEBUG ] Uninitializing COM library
[ERROR ] The following packages failed to install/update: firefox=40.0.3
[INFO ] Completed state [firefox] at time 08:18:46.939000
那是什麼,我試圖做的其實已經,我會更新錯誤日誌/信息的問題。 –