在過去,我經常遇到Xcode想要查找不再存在並從XCode中刪除的文件的情況;並得出結論:一些數據被XCode緩存在構建目錄中的某處,至少部分數據正在被查閱,而不是XCode工作空間本身。XCode的構建緩存在哪裏? - 正在存儲的舊數據會干擾我的構建過程
I had a workspace W, containing projects M and N, in directory D.
- To this workspace I added a new project O.
- I then deleted the entire contents of directory D.
- From a backup I copied an older copy of the workspace W into directory D (this older copy only contains projects M and N).
- If I launch the workspace from the backup location it builds cleanly.
- But if I launch the workspace from the directory D, then when building it complains that project O is missing. Yet I deleted the entire contents of directory D and copied the workspace which didn't contain project O into that location.
這是解決您的問題的方法:將新項目O添加到工作區並將其刪除,將其從W中刪除。我知道它並不回答您的緩存問題,但至少您可以繼續您的項目。 – GabCas
好主意,但它沒有奏效 – Gruntcakes