for(ClickCount_ATCText = 0; ClickCount_ATCText < FilesSelected_ATC_A; ClickCount_ATCText++)
PlaySound(TEXT("c:\\SSL_Sound\\AC_AudioBackground.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);
//if(ClickCount_ATCText > (FilesSelected_ATC_A - 1))
//ClickCount_ATCText = 0;
//}// End DataLink if statement
SpeechSynthesizer^ Vocalize = gcnew SpeechSynthesizer(); //Create a voice synthesizer instance.
string TTS_TxtPath = ATC_TxtFiles[ClickCount_ATCText]; //The following two lines converts the standard string in to a system string for use in the StreamReader function.
String^ TTS_FilePath = gcnew String(TTS_TxtPath.c_str());
StreamReader^ FileRead = gcnew StreamReader(TTS_FilePath); //Get the text file from the path identified.
String^ AutoTTSFileRead = FileRead->ReadToEnd(); //Read the entire file and store the text characters in the string variable "AutoTTSFileRead".
Vocalize->Speak(AutoTTSFileRead); //Vocalize the text in the textbox.
//Sleep(3000); //Pause half a second before displaying the text. Not needed, but kept for reference.
//* The 6 lines code below provides a timestamp and formats the output of the data link message.
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = " Data Link Message \r\n \r\n";
String^ strNew = gcnew String(ctime(&WhatTimeIsIt));
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Timestamp: " + strNew + "\r\n";
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "\r\n";
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Message: " + AutoTTSFileRead + "\r\n"; //Display the speech data in the text box.
}//End for loop
void NE_STT_SLL_Function()
SetChannelVolumeLevel(North_East); //Set the volume level for this SSL and zero the rest.
PlaySound(TEXT("c:\\SSL_Sound\\AC_AudioBackground.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME); //Play a snippet of radio noise in the background before sythesizing
if(ClickCount_NorthEastText >= (FilesSelected_NE - 1))
ClickCount_NorthEastText = 0;
}// End DataLink if statement
SpeechSynthesizer^ Vocalize = gcnew SpeechSynthesizer(); //Create a voice synthesizer instance.
string TTS_TxtPath = NorthEast_TxtFiles[ClickCount_NorthEastText]; //The following two lines converts the standard string in to a system string for use in the StreamReader function.
String^ TTS_FilePath = gcnew String(TTS_TxtPath.c_str());
StreamReader^ FileRead = gcnew StreamReader(TTS_FilePath); //Get the text file from the path identified.
String^ AutoTTSFileRead = FileRead->ReadToEnd(); //Read the entire file and store the text characters in the string variable "AutoTTSFileRead".
Vocalize->Speak(AutoTTSFileRead); //Vocalize the text in the textbox.
//* The 6 lines code below provides a timestamp and formats the output of the data link message.
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = " (NE) Sound Source Location Message \r\n \r\n";
String^ strNew = gcnew String(ctime(&WhatTimeIsIt));
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Timestamp: " + strNew + "\r\n";
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "\r\n";
TextToSpeechTextbox->Text = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Message: " + AutoTTSFileRead + "\r\n"; //Display the speech data in the text box.
ClickCount_NorthEastText++; //Increment array index value.
}//End NE STT SSL function