CREATE TABLE `templates` (
`version` INT(5) NOT NULL,
`controller` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
`action` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
`layout_view` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`action_view` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`version`,`module`,`controller`,`action`)
記住模板的名稱必須是「模塊/控制器/行動」即是功能視圖模型:: setTemplate期待的格式。所以,如果你的模塊富,你必須在文件夾視圖,就像在你的數據庫這個美孚/圖/富/ controllerName/actionName.phtml一個層次結構,可以儲存:富/ controllerName/actionName
,它允許您在不同的環境中擁有不同的配置,只需告訴您的git,subversion或ftp忽略此文件,以便您可以在每個環境中使用不同的配置。 Check this docs。這將是不夠的,如果你把這樣的事情:
return array(
'designVersion' => 1,
函數,加載事件管理器並向MvcEvent :: EVENT_DISPATCH事件添加回調。
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e) {
//get the service manager
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
//get your db adapter
$db=$sm->get("whatever is the service name of your database adapter, entity manager, or whatever you are using");
//get the config
$config = $sm->get ('config');
$version = $config ['designVersion'];
//get the event manager, and attach a callback to the MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH
$em = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$em->attach (MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, function ($e) use($sm) {
//you get the routeMath, so you can know the controller and action
$routeMatch = $e->getRouteMatch();
$action=$routeMatch->getParam ('action');
$controller=$routeMatch->getParam ('controller');
//now, with $action, $controller, and $version
//you query your db to get the layout and view templates:
$layout_template= $views->layout_view;
$action_template= $views->action_view;
//you get the current viewModel, it hasnt been rendered yet, so we can set the templates
$viewModel = $e->getViewModel();
if (is_null ($viewModel))
$viewModel->setTemplate ($layout_template);
//and now, we get the action view model, that we know that is set as a children of the layout viewmodel. So we can retrieve it like this:
$children = $viewModel->getCurrent()->getChildren();
$child = $children[0];
//if we are afraid the view could have more children, and you want to make sure that you rerieve the correct one, then you could iterate over $children and look for the child that has the correct captureTo name set. For the action’s view model, this defaults to content:
$children = $viewModel->getCurrent()->getChildren();
foreach($children as $c) {
if ($c->captureTo() == 'content') {
//and now, you set the template to the view:
$child->setTemplate ($action_template);
}, - 100);
感謝卡洛斯,這是很多的信息,我相信它會有用。不過,我很抱歉沒有讓我的問題更清楚,我實際上想要保存佈局並在數據庫中查看CONTENT,而不僅僅是名稱。模板內容可以像HTML一樣簡單,不需要PHP代碼。 – AlanZ