void BuildGroups()
foreach(IGroup x /* obtained from database or a collection or wherever */)
Dictionary<string,IGroup> _groups = new Dictionary<string,IGroup>;
string _parentGroupName = "PARENT";
void AddGroup(IGroup x)
// locate (or create) parent and add incoming group
IGroup parent;
string parentID = x.ParentID ?? _parentGroupName;
if(!groups.TryGetValue(parentID, out parent))
parent = new Group(parentID); // SEE NOTE BELOW!
_groups[parentID] = parent;
// locate (or insert) child, and make sure it's up to date
IGroup child;
if(groups.TryGetValue(x.ID, out child))
// We must have inserted this ID before, because we found one
// of ITS children first. If there are any other values besides
// ParentID and ID, then copy them from X to child here.
// first time we've seen this child ID -- insert it
_groups[x.ID] = x;
VisitGroups(_groups[_parentGroupName], "");
void VisitGroups(string ID, string indent)
IGroup x;
if(_groups.TryGetValue(ID, out x))
foreach(IGroup y in x.Groups)
WriteLine(indent + " {0}", y.ID);
VisitGroups(y.ID, indent + " ");
注:此實現在一個單一的在線運行,通過數據 - 你可以立即添加元素,因爲它們可以從數據庫中檢索,而你只需要一次通過數據。這意味着你可以節省一些時間和一些記憶。但是作爲回報,它要求你能夠分配一個類型爲IGroup()的對象來充當佔位符,以防在其父對象之前檢索到子對象。如果您知道某些關於對象順序的內容,或者如果您以兩遍處理字典,則只能避免該要求,如其他答案中所示。
感謝所有的答案。我會在標記答案之前檢查我是否有一個工作解決方案。 :) – Echilon 2009-11-28 18:12:34