2014-03-26 28 views



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<div id="main"> 

<section id="box1" class="box"> 

<li id="link1"><a href="#">Home</a></li> 
<li id="link2"><a href="#">Data</a></li> 
<li id="link3"><a href="#">Server Side</a></li> 
<li id="link4"><a href="#">Techical report</a></li> 


    <h2>Kunal Matwani</h2> 
This is a website with a portfolio of my work.<br> In this portfolio are the screenshots depicting my work with the android prototype.<br> 
<section id="box2" class="box"> 
<li id="link1"><a href="#">Home</a></li> 
<li id="link2"><a href="#">Data</a></li> 
<li id="link3"><a href="#">Server Side</a></li> 
<li id="link4"><a href="#">Techical report</a></li> 


<h2>Big data</h3> 
<ul class="contentul"> 
<li>List 1</li> 
<li>List 2</li> 
<li>List 3</li> 

<section id="box3" class="box"> 
<li id="link1"><a href="#">Home</a></li> 
<li id="link2"><a href="#">Data</a></li> 
<li id="link3"><a href="#">Server Side</a></li> 
<li id="link4"><a href="#">Techical report</a></li> 


<h2>Server Side</h2> 
This page contains all the information on the work done on the server side i.e MySql,Jetty etc. 

<section id="box4" class="box"> 
<li id="link1"><a href="#">Home</a></li> 
<li id="link2"><a href="#">Data</a></li> 
<li id="link3"><a href="#">Server Side</a></li> 
<li id="link4"><a href="#">Techical report</a></li> 


<h2>Technical report</h2> 
Attached is the technical report as required. 





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您是否希望單頁和CSS適合移動屏幕以及桌面而不使用不同的代碼? –


雅這是計劃,這可能嗎? – user2631932


酷:)完全可能 - 請參閱下面的答案以獲取更多信息。 –






本節會解釋你需要知道的一切: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/designing-for-a-responsive-web--webdesign-3850

但是,如果你想只跳那麼你可以使用像引導一個框架,這裏的其他人說。有大量的框架,有些是非常輕量級的,而另一些則是功能豐富。 Bootstrap可能是最有名的(因此也是最通用的)。你應該看看周圍,並嘗試一些不同的。
