2012-05-02 53 views

如何循環這個東西來收集多個$ objectId的數據?像從$ objectId 1038到1048.PHP「for loop」收集數據

下面我介紹可以收集數據的完整腳本。行$objectId = ""; //I want to gather info about IDs lets say from 1038 - 1048應該是我認爲的循環,但我沒有把它做好。

<form name="myForm" action="" method="post" id="myForm"> 
    <table cellpadding="2" border="1"> 
     <td width="264" rowspan="2" valign="top"><?php 

    function transformHTML($string) 
     $string = trim($string); 
     $string = utf8_decode($string); 
     $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_NOQUOTES); 
     $string = str_replace("#", "&#35;", $string); 
     $string = str_replace("%", "&#37;", $string); 

     return $string; 

    function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ 
     $string = " ".$string; 
     $ini = strpos($string,$start); 
     if ($ini == 0) return ""; 
     $ini += strlen($start); 
     $len = strpos($string,$end,$ini) - $ini; 
     return substr($string,$ini,$len); 

    if($_POST['submit']) { 

     $objectId = ""; //I want to gather info about IDs lets say from 1038 - 1048 

      $error_B = "<span class=error>Error #2:<br> Does the item exist (ID: " . $objectId . ")?</span><br>"; 

      $lines = file('http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/viewitem.ws?obj=' . $objectId); 
      foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { 
       $lineCrawl = htmlspecialchars($line); 
       $StringSum = "$StringSum$lineCrawl"; 
      $parsedGuidePrice = get_string_between($StringSum, "Current guide price", "Today"); 
      $parsedItemName = get_string_between($StringSum, "&lt;title&gt;", " - Grand Exchange - RuneScape&lt;/title&gt;"); 
      $parsedItemIconUrl = get_string_between($StringSum, '&lt;meta property=&quot;og:image&quot; content=&quot;', '&quot; /&gt;'); 

      $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^\.kbm0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 

      if (strpos($guideprice,'k') !== false) { 
       $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
       $guideprice *= 100; 
      } else if (strpos($guideprice,'m') !== false) { 
       $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
       $guideprice *= 100000; 
      } else if (strpos($guideprice,'b') !== false) { 
       $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
       $guideprice *= 100000000; 
      if ($guideprice == "") { 
       echo $error_B; 
      } else { 
       echo "<img src='" . $parsedItemIconUrl . "' class='parsedItemIconUrl'>"; 
       echo "<br>"; 
       echo "<strong>" . $parsedItemName . "</strong> guide price: <strong>" . $guideprice . "</strong>"; 
       echo "<br>"; 
       echo "<small>(Item ID: " . $objectId . ")</small><br><br><br>"; 
     <td width="172"></td> 
     <td width="99"><input type="submit" name="submit" alt="Get yesterday's averge market price" title="Get yesterday's averge market price"></td> 
    <tr valign="top"> 
     <td><input value="Reset" type="button" name="reset" alt="Reset the form" title="Reset the form" onClick="javascript:window.location = '';"></td> 

你能不能指定哪些theproblem實際上是什麼?你期待什麼結果,你實際得到了什麼? – Malovich


我所做的是將+1添加到$ objectId,但程序仍然在讀取相同的URL :( –


它的工作原理,謝謝!我所做的是在最後一行'if($ _ POST ['submit']){} '我已經添加了'$ objectId + = 1',並用'for $(objectId = 1038; $ objectId <= 1048; $ objectId ++)'循環了所有內容'{但是它會顯示。我能知道它爲什麼嗎? –


<form name="myForm" action="" method="post" id="myForm"> 
    <table cellpadding="2" border="1"> 
     <td width="264" rowspan="2" valign="top"><?php 

    function transformHTML($string) 
     $string = trim($string); 
     $string = utf8_decode($string); 
     $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_NOQUOTES); 
     $string = str_replace("#", "&#35;", $string); 
     $string = str_replace("%", "&#37;", $string); 

     return $string; 

    function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ 
     $string = " ".$string; 
     $ini = strpos($string,$start); 
     if ($ini == 0) return ""; 
     $ini += strlen($start); 
     $len = strpos($string,$end,$ini) - $ini; 
     return substr($string,$ini,$len); 

    function echoObjectIdStuff($objectId) { 
     $error_B = "<span class=error>Error #2:<br> Does the item exist (ID: " . $objectId . ")?</span><br>"; 

     $lines = file('http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/viewitem.ws?obj=' . $objectId); 
     foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { 
      $lineCrawl = htmlspecialchars($line); 
      $StringSum = "$StringSum$lineCrawl"; 
     $parsedGuidePrice = get_string_between($StringSum, "Current guide price", "Today"); 
     $parsedItemName = get_string_between($StringSum, "&lt;title&gt;", " - Grand Exchange - RuneScape&lt;/title&gt;"); 
     $parsedItemIconUrl = get_string_between($StringSum, '&lt;meta property=&quot;og:image&quot; content=&quot;', '&quot; /&gt;'); 

     $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^\.kbm0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 

     if (strpos($guideprice,'k') !== false) { 
      $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
      $guideprice *= 100; 
     } else if (strpos($guideprice,'m') !== false) { 
      $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
      $guideprice *= 100000; 
     } else if (strpos($guideprice,'b') !== false) { 
      $guideprice = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $parsedGuidePrice); 
      $guideprice *= 100000000; 
     if ($guideprice == "") { 
      echo $error_B; 
     } else { 
      echo "<img src='" . $parsedItemIconUrl . "' class='parsedItemIconUrl'>"; 
      echo "<br>"; 
      echo "<strong>" . $parsedItemName . "</strong> guide price: <strong>" . $guideprice . "</strong>"; 
      echo "<br>"; 
      echo "<small>(Item ID: " . $objectId . ")</small><br><br><br>"; 

    if($_POST['submit']) { 
     for($id = 1038; $id <= 1048; $id++) { 

     <td width="172"></td> 
     <td width="99"><input type="submit" name="submit" alt="Get yesterday's averge market price" title="Get yesterday's averge market price"></td> 
    <tr valign="top"> 
     <td><input value="Reset" type="button" name="reset" alt="Reset the form" title="Reset the form" onClick="javascript:window.location = '';"></td> 

It ($ _ POST ['submit']){}'我已經添加了'$ objectId + = 1',並且用'for object($ objectId) = 1038; $ objectId <= 1048; $ objectId ++){'但是它會顯示。我能知道爲什麼嗎? –


我想你希望每次有人提交表單時$ objectId增加1?如果是這樣,PHP不保留請求之間的變量狀態,您應該查看會話以完成該操作,否則您不需要執行+ = 1,for循環的$ objectId ++部分會爲每次迭代執行此操作。瞭解更多關於會議在這裏:http://www.php.net/manual/en/session.examples.basic.php 而關於for循環:http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures。 for.php – Mahn


感謝您的回覆。爲這個問題很好的答案helpt,但是這個我在上面提到的不是 - $ objectID每次增加1個循環結束。 (在我不工作的解決方案中) –