2010-03-29 52 views



http://myrsserver/reportserver?http://portal/reports/sample%20reports/departmental%20sales.rdl&rs:Command=Render&rc:Zoom=Whole%20Page&rc:Parameters=collapsed&rc:DocMap=true&rc科= 999

其中 「部分」 參數是你的頁碼。


* rs:Format – Rendering modes you can pass are HTML3.2, HTML4.0, MHTML, IMAGE, EXCEL, WORD, CSV, PDF, XML, defaults to HTML4.0 
* rc:Zoom – Specified in percentages, supports Page Width and Whole Page, defaults to 100% 
* rc:Toolbar – True/False, used to show/hide the toolbar, defaults to true 
* rc:Parameters – True/False/Collapsed, used to show/hide/collapse the parameters in the toolbar, defaults to true 
* rc:DocMap – True/False, used to show/hide document map, defaults to true (not shown unless report has document map) 
* rc:Section – Specifies default page number to display, defaults to 1 
* rc:BookMarkID – Jumps to a specific bookmark in a report 
* rc:FindString – Provides search criteria to the report and finds the first instance of the string specified