2016-11-10 165 views



id , bus_name 
1  AAA 
2  BBB 


id, stop_name, latitude, longitude 
1 XYZ  12.5555 77.222 
2 SSS  13.5555 77.2888 
3 EEE  88.444  77.222 
4 C   34.8859309 -97.47070 
5 JJJ  32.9902355 -97.99804 


id, bus_id, stop_id, arrival_time, departure_time,  START_END_STOP 
    1  1  1   0000   8.00AM  START 
    2  1  2  8.10AM   8.10AM 
    3  1  3  8.15AM   8.16AM 
    4  1  4  8.20AM   8.20AM 
    5  1  5  8.25AM   0000   END 
    6  2  1  0000   8.10AM   START 
    7  2  3  8.15AM   8.18AM 
    8  2  5  8.27AM   0000   END 



bus_name from_stop_name departure_time to_stop_name arrival_time Notes 
    AAA  XYZ    8.00AM    JJJ   8.25AM NIL 
    BBB  XYZ    8.10AM    JJJ   8.27AM NIL 


bus_name from_stop_name departure_time to_stop_name arrival_time Notes 
    AAA  XYZ    8.00AM    C   8.20AM  NIL 
    BBB  XYZ    8.10AM    JJJ  8.27AM  JJJ to C is 600 Mts 

我需要Mysql的選擇查詢,請幫我。 謝謝


提供您爲此嘗試過的查詢。 – Viki888


是你的意思是源到目的地的兩個站搜索? –


@pawansen是的,我搜索源到目的地 –




select buses.bus_name, s1.stop_name as from_stop_name, t1.departure_time, 
s2.stop_name as to_stop_name, t2.arrival_time 
from buses 
inner join table t1 on t1.bus_id = buses.id 
inner join stop s1 on s1.id = t1.stop_id 
inner join table t2 on t2.bud_id = buses.id 
inner join stop s2 on s2.id = t2.stop_id 
where buses.bus_name in ('AAA', 'BBB') 
and s1.stop_name = 'XYZ' 
and s2.stop_name = 'JJJ' 

我只給輸入是'stop name',不給'Buses name'。 –


@VadivelS:刪除''AAA','BBB'中的'bus.bus_name'和',以便最後兩行讀取'其中s1.stop_name ='XYZ'和s2.stop_name ='JJJ' –


哦好吧謝謝,一個更多的幫助 –


您可以嘗試下面的查詢。我們需要在查詢中的4個地方寫入輸入參數'stop_name'。 表名稱被 公共汽車,路線和停止使用在下面查詢

select A.name, A.departure_time, A.from_stop_name, RO.arrival_time, 
'JJJ' as to_stop_name from 
(select bus_id, name, departure_time, 
stop_name as from_stop_name from route R left join stops S on 
R.stop_id = S.id left join buses B on bus_id = B.id where stop_id in 
(select id from stops where stop_name in ('XYZ', 'JJJ')) group by 
bus_id having count(distinct stop_id) = 2) A 
left join 
route RO on 
A.bus_id = RO.bus_id and RO.stop_id in (SELECT id from stops where 
stop_name = 'JJJ'); 

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

the result of the query

enter image description here

SELECT `B`.`bus_name`, 
     `from_stop`.`stop_name` AS `from_top_time`, 
     `to_stop`.`stop_name` AS `to_stop_name`, 
FROM `buses` `B` 
     JOIN `route` `Departure` 
     ON `Departure`.`bus_id` = `B`.`id` 
     JOIN `route` `Arrival` 
     ON `Arrival`.`bus_id` = `B`.`id` 
     JOIN `stop` `from_stop` 
     ON `Departure`.`stop_id` = `from_stop`.`id` 
     JOIN `stop` `to_stop` 
     ON `Arrival`.`stop_id` = `to_stop`.`id` 
WHERE (`from_stop`.`stop_name` = 'XYZ' 
     AND `to_stop`.`stop_name` = 'JJJ') 
     OR (`from_stop`.`stop_name` = 'XYZ' 
      AND `to_stop`.`stop_name` = 'C') 
GROUP BY `B`.`id` 

哪裏給查詢的源和目的地停止 –


@VadivelS你是什麼意思? – Beginner


我從停止搜索是'XYZ'來停止'JJJ'。我搜索這2站之間 –