$files=scandir('uploads');//get array of files/directories in uploads
foreach($files as $file) {//loop through the array
if(!is_dir($file)) {//if not a directory must be a file
echo $file.'<input type="submit" value="Import CSV File" name="'.$file.'" >';
$files=scandir('uploads');//get array of files/directories in uploads
foreach($files as $file) {//loop through the array
if(!is_dir($file)) {//if not a directory must be a file
if(isset($_POST[$file])) {//this if never hits
echo 'aa';
if(session_id()=='') {
// check if user is not logged in thus is most likely not allowed to view the page or login went wrong
if(!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])||$_SESSION['loggedin']===false) {
echo '<p>You are not logged in. Please <a href="index.php">login</a> and try again.</p>';
exit();//stops the execution of the php file so we dont show the links below to unauthorized visitors
$files=scandir('uploads');//get array of files/directories in uploads
foreach($files as $file) {//loop through the array
if(!is_dir($file)) {//if not a directory must be a file
if(isset($_POST[$file])) {
echo 'aa';
<h2 align="center">Import CSV Files:</h2>
<p align="center">
This will allow you to view names of uploaded CSV files and import them into the database.
Below are a list of available files on the server to be imported:
<form method="post" action="import_csv.php">
//Create connection and suppress any errors for now using @
[email protected]_connect('localhost','jd','1111','my_db');
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) {
echo 'Could not connect to database.';
}else {
//query all tables in db
$sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM my_db;";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
//loop through results/all tables
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
if($row[0]=='users'&&isset($_SESSION['user_type']) && $_SESSION['user_type']!='admin') {
}else {
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$row[0].'" > '.$row[0].'<br></br>';
$files=scandir('uploads');//get array of files/directories in uploads
foreach($files as $file) {//loop through the array
if(!is_dir($file)) {//if not a directory must be a file
echo $file.'<input type="submit" value="Import CSV File" name="'.$file.'" >';
的文件名是$ _POST數組中的關鍵?它從哪裏發佈? – 2013-05-27 21:59:07
@Dagon你是什麼意思?表單標籤內部是我的php程序塊,它通過掃描目錄在按鈕旁邊創建按鈕和文本。當一個按鈕被按下時,表單會發送到* import_csv.php *這是同一頁面(全部在一個表單中),它將再次遍歷文件並檢查'if(isset($ _ POST [$ file])) –