問題是關於Node.js的問題。我是新手,遵循教程,並且教程的第一個Node腳本在我的系統(Hello World)上成功運行。現在,我複製並粘貼了本教程第二部分的代碼(創建一個http服務器),並試圖通過端口8080連接到本地主機上,但我的瀏覽器(Chrome)返回了一個錯誤。Node.js初學者教程腳本 - 錯誤代碼:ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
// Include http module.
var http = require("http");
// Create the server. Function passed as parameter is called on every request made.
// request variable holds all request parameters
// response variable allows you to do anything with response sent to the client.
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
// Attach listener on end event.
// This event is called when client sent all data and is waiting for response.
request.on("end", function() {
// Write headers to the response.
// 200 is HTTP status code (this one means success)
// Second parameter holds header fields in object
// We are sending plain text, so Content-Type should be text/plain
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
// Send data and end response.
response.end('Hello HTTP!');
// Listen on the 8080 port.
你以下什麼教程? –
http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/nodejs-for-beginners--net-26314 @HectorCorrea – CuriousWebDeveloper