set theFile to choose file
set htmlText to read theFile
set htmlText to "<img src=\"smiley.gif\" alt=\"Smiley face\" height=\"42\" width=\"42\" />
<img src=\"smiley.gif\" alt=\"Smiley face\" height=\"42\" width=\"42\" />
<img src=\"smiley.gif\" alt=\"Smiley face\" height=\"42\" width=\"42\" />"
set text item delimiters to "src=\""
set a to text items of htmlText
if (count of a) is less than 2 then return
set imageList to {}
set text item delimiters to "\""
repeat with i from 2 to count of a
set thisImage to first text item of (item i of a)
set end of imageList to thisImage
end repeat
set text item delimiters to ""
return imageList
我想這樣做的原因是我有一個網站,其圖像數據庫中有大約15,000個圖像,其中大量數據幾乎肯定是多餘的,需要清除。我想創建一個冗餘位置和總體範圍的圖片。 – 2012-03-14 17:32:12