我正在Yii + extjs工作。我正在創建天氣模塊。我想從用戶的ipaddress中檢索天氣信息。我從網站=「http://www.geoplugin.com/examples」獲得參考代碼。 按提到那裏,我創造的GetWeather功能在我的項目=如何從ipaddress檢索天氣信息
public function actionGetWeather()
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
//The Data Science Toolkit URL
$url = 'http://www.datasciencetoolkit.org/ip2coordinates/';
//Find the user's location from their IP.
//*** You need the get_data function from the sample code
$raw_geocode = json_decode(get_data($url . $user_ip));
//Check if the user is in the US
if ('US' === $raw_geocode->$user_ip->country_code) {
//If yes, store their zip code in a variable, and print it
$zip_code = $raw_geocode->$user_ip->postal_code;
printf('<p>Your zip code is: %s</p>', $raw_geocode->$user_ip->postal_code);
} else {
//If the user isn't in the US, set a sip code that will work.
$zip_code = '97211';
//and print an error
printf('<p>Sorry, this app does not work in %s.</p>', $raw_geocode->$user_ip->country_name);
//Print the raw data for debugging.
printf('<pre>%s</pre>', print_r($raw_geocode, true));
我已經列入ParseXml類也。 但上面的代碼給錯誤致命錯誤:調用未定義的函數get_data()在行「$ raw_geocode = json_decode(get_data($ url。$ user_ip));」 getweather功能。那麼我需要什麼改變?如果找你使用curl請幫我
而不是發佈所有這些不相關的代碼,只關注「真正的問題」,即'get_data'沒有被定義。 – 2012-12-26 06:10:02