2016-03-31 90 views

我的子程序在單獨的工作表上運行時工作正常,但是我在運行每個工作表時遇到了很多問題。子程序是一個在線CSV數據庫的簡單查詢,但它只在第一張紙上執行25次。無法弄清楚爲什麼這是我的生活。Excel VBA麻煩循環遍歷表和調用子程序


Sub Datacollection() 

    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    For Each ws In Worksheets 

    ws.Application.Run "Gethistory" 

    Next ws 
End Sub 

Sub Gethistory() 
Dim Target As Variant 
Dim Name As Variant 
Set Target = Range("B1") 
Set Name = Range("B2") 

    With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ 
    "Text;" & Target, _ 
    .Name = Name 
    .FieldNames = True 
    .RowNumbers = False 
    .FillAdjacentFormulas = False 
    .PreserveFormatting = True 
    .RefreshOnFileOpen = False 
    .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells 
    .SavePassword = False 
    .SaveData = True 
    .AdjustColumnWidth = True 
    .RefreshPeriod = 0 
    .TextFilePromptOnRefresh = False 
    .TextFilePlatform = 437 
    .TextFileStartRow = 1 
    .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited 
    .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote 
    .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = True 
    .TextFileTabDelimiter = True 
    .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False 
    .TextFileCommaDelimiter = True 
    .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = True 
    .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 
    .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True 
    .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False 
End With 

End Sub 




Option Explicit 

Sub dataCollection() 
    Dim w As Long 
    For w = 1 To Worksheets.Count 
     getHistory Worksheets(w) 
    Next w 
End Sub 

Sub getHistory(ws As Worksheet) 
    Dim trgt As Range, nm As Range 

    With ws 
     Set trgt = .Range("B1") 
     Set nm = .Range("B2") 

     With .QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ 
      "Text;" & trgt.Value, _ 
      .Name = nm.Value 
      .FieldNames = True 
      .RowNumbers = False 
      .FillAdjacentFormulas = False 
      .PreserveFormatting = True 
      .RefreshOnFileOpen = False 
      .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells 
      .SavePassword = False 
      .SaveData = True 
      .AdjustColumnWidth = True 
      .RefreshPeriod = 0 
      .TextFilePromptOnRefresh = False 
      .TextFilePlatform = 437 
      .TextFileStartRow = 1 
      .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited 
      .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote 
      .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = True 
      .TextFileTabDelimiter = True 
      .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False 
      .TextFileCommaDelimiter = True 
      .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = True 
      .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) 
      .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True 
      .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False 
     End With 
    End With 

End Sub 
