最有可能的東西已經從您的路徑中刪除了system32目錄。你安裝了Java SDK嗎?它有這樣的聲譽。
如果C:\ Windows \ System32下是不存在的,它需要添加回要做到這一點:
From the desktop, Right click 'Computer', click 'Properties'
then click 'Advanced system settings'
- this should bring up the System Properties - Advanced tab
Click 'Enviornment Variables'
Select the system variables 'PATH'
Edit PATH and add this line to the front
or to be generic (in case you've installed windows on a different drive)
Start a new command window to check if this has worked (or reboot)
existing command windows will use the old path
'dir c:\ windows \ system32 \ ping */b'說什麼?順便說一下,從控制檯窗口複製/粘貼測試,不要粘貼屏幕截圖。 – 2014-10-07 23:28:26
我不能複製粘貼在命令提示符 – Wai 2014-10-07 23:29:16
@ Luiz187右鍵單擊粘貼。右鍵單擊全選,然後按Shift鍵 – Steve 2014-10-07 23:29:36