2016-12-08 26 views

import random 

total = (0) 

Ace = (10) 

Jack = (10) 

Queen = (10) 

King = (10) 

suits = ['Hearts','Clubs','Diamonds','Spades']#list of suits 
cards = ['Ace','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','Jack','Queen','king']#list of cards 

print('The rules:\nYou need to get the sum of your cards as close to 21 as possible.\nAces, Jacks, Queens and Kings are all equal to 10.\nStick means that you dont want to recieve anymore cards.\nBust means that the sum of your cards has exceeded 21 so you automatically lose.\nTwist means you want another card.') 

random.choice (suits) 
random.choice (cards) 
print (random.choice (cards)+ ' of ' +random.choice (suits))#this shows a random card 
print (random.choice (cards)+ ' of ' +random.choice (suits)) 

if cards == (Jack): 
    total =+ (Jack) 

elif cards == (Queen): 
    total =+ (Queen) 

elif cards == (King): 
    total =+ (King) 

elif cards == (Ace): 
    total =+ (Ace) 

elif cards == 2: 
    total =+ (int('2')) 

elif cards == 3: 
    total =+ (int('3')) 

elif (cards) == ('4'): 
    total =+ (int('4')) 

elif (cards) == ('5'): 
    total =+ (int('5')) 

elif (cards) == ('6'): 
    total =+ (int('6')) 

elif (cards) == ('7'): 
    total =+ (int('7')) 

elif (cards) == ('8'): 
    total =+ (int('8')) 

elif cards == 9: 
    total =+ (int('9')) 

print ('\nyour total is...') 
print (total) 

爲什麼你把'()'放在所有東西的周圍? – Barmar




suits = ['Hearts','Clubs','Diamonds','Spades']#list of suits 
cards = ['Ace','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','Jack','Queen','King'] 
vals = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10,  10] 


cardOne = 3 # card '4' , value 4. 
cardTwo = 12 # card 'King', value 10. 

print ("Card one is ", cards[cardOne], " with value ", vals[cardOne]) 
print ("Card two is ", cards[cardTwo], " with value ", vals[cardTwo]) 

這樣,你就不必寫大笨拙if序列 - 只依賴數組內的數據。


是的,儘管最好將它們壓縮併爲它們創建一個字典。 –



然後你的if陳述對皇家卡是錯誤的。您應該測試是否card == 'Jack'而不是card == (Jack),因爲後者是保存要添加的值的變量,而不是cards數組中的字符串。


card_values = { 'Ace': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7':7, '8': 8, '9': 9, '10': 10, 'Jack': 10, 'Queen': 10, 'King': 10 } 

suit = random.choice(suits) 
card = random.choice(cards) 
print (card + " of " + suit) 
total += card_values[card] 

print ('\nyour total is...') 
print (total) 