2013-10-29 82 views


#include <iostream> //Main commands 
#include <string> // String commands 
#include <windows.h> // Sleep 
using namespace std; 

int main() 
    //Declaring variables 
    float a; 
    bool end; 
    std::string input; 

    end = false; // Making sure program doesn't end instantly 

    cout << "Enter start then the number you want to count down from." << ".\n"; 

    while (end = false){ 
     cin >> input; 
     cout << ".\n"; 

     if (input.find("end") != std::string::npos) // Ends the program if user types end 
      end = true; 

     else if (input.find("start" || /* || is or operator*/ "restart") != std::string::npos) // Sets up the countdown timer if the user types start 
      cin >> a; 
      cout << ".\n"; 

      while (a>0){ 

       a = a - 0.1; 

       cout << a << ".\n"; 

      cout << "Finished! Enter restart and then another number, or enter end to close the program" << ".\n"; 

     else // Tells user to start program 
     cout << "Enter start"; 


    return 0; // Ends program when (end = true) 


請編譯警告已啓用。任何來自過去十年的編譯器都會以警告的方式指出這個問題的根源。 –


使用調試器會很容易導致問題 – MrSmith42


while (end = false) 


與更換任何while (end == false)(注意雙==)或while (!end)修復它


謝謝,它現在起作用。 –