2015-12-17 20 views

我已經編寫了在過去的100年中獲取中國日曆上的一年中第一天的函數。從循環返回的一些值是正確的。我已通過此鏈接http://www.fengshuimiracle.com/154/how-work-out-your-animal-sign-and-chinese-year 驗證了中國新年的日期。有沒有可以參考的農曆或我在代碼中丟失了什麼。將currentCalendar()日期轉換爲NSCalendarIdentifierChinese

override func viewDidLoad() { 
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. 


func returnDateForMonth(month:NSInteger, year:NSInteger, day:NSInteger)->NSDate{ 
    let comp = NSDateComponents() 
    comp.month = month 
    comp.year = year 
    comp.day = day 

    let chCal = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierChinese) 
    return chCal!.dateFromComponents(comp)! 

func showDate(getDate:NSDate)->String{ 
    let date = getDate 
    //let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar() 
    let calendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierChinese) 
    let dateComponents = calendar!.components([NSCalendarUnit.Year], fromDate: date) 
    let firstDay = returnDateForMonth(dateComponents.month, year: dateComponents.year, day: 1) 
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() 
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MMM-yy" 
    let formattedDate = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(firstDay) 
    //print("First day of this month: \(formattedDate)") // 01-Sep-15 
    return formattedDate 

func substractyear(getI:Int)->String{ 

    let getInt = getI * -1 
    let components: NSDateComponents = NSDateComponents() 
    components.setValue(getInt, forComponent: NSCalendarUnit.Year); 
    let date: NSDate = NSDate() 
    let expirationDate = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateByAddingComponents(components, toDate: date, options:NSCalendarOptions(rawValue: 0)) 

    return showDate(expirationDate!) 


func loopthrough(){ 

    for var i = 1; i < 100; i++ { 




31-JAN-14 10-FEB-13 23-JAN-12 03-FEB-11 14-FEB-10 26-JAN-09 07-二月-08 18月 - 07 29-JAN-06 09 - 2月 - 05 22-JAN-04 01 - 2月03 12月 - 02 1月24日 - 01 05-Feb- 00 16-Feb-99 28-JAN-98 07-FEB-97 19-FEB-96 31-JAN-95 10-FEB-94 23-JAN-93 04-FEB-92 15-FEB-91 27 -Jan-90 06-FEB-89 17-FEB-88 29-JAN-87 09-FEB-86 20-FEB-85 02 - 84 10-FEB-43 22-JAN -42 01-FEB-41 12-FEB-40 24-JAN-39 04-FEB-38 15-FEB-37 28-JAN-36 08-FEB-35 19-FEB-34 31-JAN-33 11-FEB-32 23-JAN-31 03-FEB-30 13-FEB-29 26-JAN-28 06-FEB-27 17 -Feb-26 29-JAN-25 10-FEB-24 22-JAN-23 01-FEB-22 12-FEB-21 25-JAN-20 05-FEB-19 16二月-18 28-JAN-17 08-FEB-16 19-FEB-15 31-JAN-14 10-FEB-13 23-JAN-12 03-FEB-11 14-FEB-10 26-JAN-09 07-FEB-08 18-FEB-07 29-JAN-06 09-FEB-05 22-JAN-04 01-FEB-03 12 -Feb-02 24-JAN-01 05-FEB-00 16-FEB-99 28-JAN-98 07-FEB-97 19-FEB-96 31-JAN-95 2月10日-94 23-JAN-93 04-FEB-92 15-FEB-91 27-JAN-90 06-FEB-89 17-FEB-88 29-揚-87 09-FEB-86 20-FEB-85 02 - 84 10-FEB-43 22-JAN-42 01-FEB-41 12-FEB-40 24 Jan- 39 04 - 2月 - 38 15月 - 37 28-JAN-36


輸出是什麼?哪部分是意外的? – jtbandes


本頁不同意:http://www.chinesenewyears.info/chinese-new-year-calendar.php – jtbandes




let chineseCalendar = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierChinese)! 
let formatter: NSDateFormatter = { 
    let fmt = NSDateFormatter() 
    fmt.dateStyle = .FullStyle 
    fmt.timeStyle = .MediumStyle 
    fmt.dateFormat = "dd-MMM-yy" 
    return fmt 

var comps = chineseCalendar.components([.Year], fromDate: NSDate()) 
for _ in 0..<100 { 
    comps.year -= 1 
    guard let newYear = chineseCalendar.dateFromComponents(comps) else { fatalError("no date for \(comps.year)") } 

而且,我不確定您的原始資料是否正確。This page列出了不同的日期(這似乎更好地匹配NSCalendar輸出)。


我從1936年的日期得到的輸出是28-Jan-36 |您共享的頁面顯示1936-01-24 –


我發佈的代碼返回1936年1月24日(我認爲它更容易理解!)。 – jtbandes


只是運行你的代碼,它的工作原理,這比我寫的塊更簡單:) –