2010-09-13 39 views

我一直在java + maven + spring + hibernate項目中工作,我想在調用saveorupdate之前自動將當前日期分配給POJO。我不介意爲所有類的date_created創建new Date(),但它們只是很多。 我剛剛發現春天aop擅長這些事情。

package org.personal.myproject.model; 

import java.util.Date; 
//this is how i'm getting the current date 
public interface DateSetter { 

    public Date getCurrentDate(); 


package org.personal.myproject.model; 

import java.util.Date; 
// the implementation 
public class DateCreatedDateSetterImpl implements DateSetter { 

    public Date getCurrentDate() { 
    return new Date(); 


package org.personal.myproject.model; 

import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect; 
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before; 
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclareParents; 

public class DateIntroduction { 
    //making all the model implementors of the DateSetter interface 
    public DateSetter dateSetter; 

    /**here is to add my "before trigger" for every calling of every method. 
     if you can see i have the daos in 2 packages, i don't know whether is wrong or   not.i'm actually using the generic Dao so should i use that interface instead? 
    @Before("execution * org.personal.myproject.dao.hibernate.*.(..) || * org.personal.myproject.dao.hibernate.*.*.(..)" + "&& this(dateSetter)") 
    public void injectLastModifiedDate(DateSetter dateSetter){ 
     /**so here i'm expecting to inject the new date but apparently i'm missing something**/ 





您只需要一個預留持續偵聽程序,將創建日期設置爲new Date()

這裏是Hibernate documentation on entity listeners


感謝您的閱讀!!但是如果它是上次修改後無法在數據庫中設置的呢? – 2010-09-13 16:58:25


好的方法,我將不得不爲所有的實體做同樣的事情。當一切都已經創建並且它們的數量顯着時,它們不會非常有用。無論如何感謝 – 2010-09-13 17:07:05


對於上次修改日期,概念是相同的。您只需指定一個預更新偵聽器,而不是預留持久偵聽器。 – 2010-09-13 17:09:54