2016-01-06 107 views

我試圖Magento的CMS內取出空P-標記。Magento的 - 刪除空P-標籤模塊


http://gielberkers.com/magento-remove-wrapping-paragraph-around-widget/ https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/03/basics-creating-magento-module/


我模塊位於... 應用程序/代碼/本地/ Rapport的設計/ RemoveEmptyPTags

我的config.xml文件位於RemoveEmptyPTags /代碼等是...

    The module's node contains basic 
    information about each Magento module 

     This must exactly match the namespace and module's folder 
     names, with directory separators replaced by underscores 

     <!-- The version of our module, starting at 0.0.1 --> 



<!-- Configure our module's behavior in the global scope --> 

    <!-- Defining models --> 

      Unique identifier in the model's node. 
      By convention, we put the module's name in lowercase. 

       The path to our models directory, with directory 
       separators replaced by underscores 



    <!-- Defining an event observer --> 

     <!-- The code of the event we want to observe --> 

      <!-- Defining an observer for this event --> 

        Unique identifier within the 
        catalog_product_save_after node. 
        By convention, we write the module's 
        name in lowercase. 

        <!-- The model to be instantiated --> 

        <!-- The method of the class to be called --> 

        <!-- The type of class to instantiate --> 






的代碼我位於RemoveEmptyPTags /型號Observer.php文件...

class RapportDesign_RemoveEmptyPTags_Model_Observer { 

public function cmsPageRenderEvent($observer) { 
/* @var $page Mage_Cms_Model_Page*/ 
$page = $observer->getPage(); 
$content = $page->getContent(); 

$content = Mage::helper('RapportDesign_RemoveEmptyPTags')->processContent($content); 



位於RemoveEmptyPTags /幫手我Data.php文件的代碼是...

class RapportDesign_RemoveEmptyPTags { 

public function processContent($content) 
// Remove wrapping paragraphs around widgets: 
$content = preg_replace('/\<p\>{{(.*?)}}\<\/p\>/', '{{$1}}', $content); 

// Remove div around widgets 
$content = preg_replace('/\<div\>{{(.*?)}}\<\/div\>/', '{{$1}}', $content); 

// Remove empty paragraphs: 
$content = preg_replace('/<p>(|\s*|&nbsp;|\n)<\/p>/', '', $content); 

return $content; 






$('p').each(function() { 
     var $this = $(this); 
     if($this.html().replace(/\s|&nbsp;/g, '').length == 0) 