後期編輯不同的表查看數據:PostgreSQL的 - 基於約束的表的一個
create table UniMember (
id integer, -- PG: serial
unswid integer unique, -- staff/student id (can be null)
password ShortString not null,
family LongName,
given LongName not null,
title ShortName, -- e.g. "Prof", "A/Prof", "Dr", ...
sortname LongName not null,
name LongName not null,
primary key (id)
create table Staff (
id integer references People(id),
office integer references Rooms(id),
phone PhoneNumber, -- full number, not just extension
primary key (id)
create table Afl (
staff integer references Staff(id),
orgUnit integer references OrgUnits(id),
role integer references Staff_roles(id),
isPrimary boolean, -- is this role the basis for their employment?
starting date not null, -- when they commenced this role
ending date, -- when they finshed; null means current
primary key (staff,orgUnit,role,starting)
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