Error: Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the dataProblems:colors, letters
Z <- data.frame("Name"=c("A","G","C","T","T","T","AG","AG","GC","GC","CT","CT","AT","AT","CT","CT"),
Z[1:16] # Small dummy sample
# Name Track Position
# 1 A 0 1
# 2 G 0 1
# 3 C 0 1
# 4 T 0 1
# 5 T 0 1
# 6 T 0 1
# 7 AG 1 1
# 8 AG 1 2
# 9 GC 1 2
# 10 GC 1 3
# 11 CT 1 3
# 12 CT 1 4
# 13 AT 1 9
# 14 AT 1 10
# 15 CT 1 12
# 16 CT 1 13
# Create color palette
x <- length(levels(Z$Name))
x.colors <- hcl(h=seq(15,375,length=(x+1)),l=65,c=100)[1:x]
x.colors[1:4] <- c("blue","red","green","yellow")
colors <- factor(x.colors)
letters <- factor(levels(Z$Name))
my_fill <- x.colors
# Plot
ggplot(NULL) +
aes(x = Z$Track,
y = Z$Position,
fill = colors,
label = letters) +
geom_raster() +
geom_text() +
'aes'應該是裏面'ggplot()'。 – 2015-07-22 07:07:00
在'aes'裏面用'fill = Z $ Name'和'label = Z $ Name'試試。看起來很奇怪,但在Track/Position 0/1,1/2和1/3處有重複。 –
當我這樣做時,我遇到了另一個錯誤'錯誤:ggplot2不知道如何處理類的數據uneval' @帕斯卡爾 – ALKI