2015-10-23 61 views

我想逐步改變背景顏色3次。漸進背景變化 - JavaScript



= Blue 
===== Grey 
= Purple 


    var scroll_pos = 0; 
    var animation_begin_pos = 0; 
    var animation_mid_pos = 500; 
    var animation_end_pos = 1000; 
    var beginning_color = new $.Color('rgb(0,156,243)'); 
    var middle_color = new $.Color('rgb(36,40,47)'); 
    var ending_color = new $.Color('rgb(97,20,204)'); 

    $(document).scroll(function() { 
     scroll_pos = $(this).scrollTop(); 
     if(scroll_pos >= animation_begin_pos && scroll_pos < animation_mid_pos) { 
      var percentScrolled = scroll_pos/(animation_mid_pos - animation_begin_pos); 
      var newRed = beginning_color.red() + ((middle_color.red() - beginning_color.red()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newGreen = beginning_color.green() + ((middle_color.green() - beginning_color.green()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newBlue = beginning_color.blue() + ((middle_color.blue() - beginning_color.blue()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newColor = new $.Color(newRed, newGreen, newBlue); 
      $('body').animate({ backgroundColor: newColor }, 0); 
      // messes up starting here 
     } else if (scroll_pos >= animation_mid_pos && scroll_pos <= animation_end_pos) { 
      scroll_ps = $(document).height() - $(this).scrollTop() - $(this).height(); 
      var percentScrolled = scroll_pos/(animation_end_pos - animation_mid_pos); 
      var newRed = middle_color.red() + ((ending_color.red() - middle_color.red()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newGreen = middle_color.green() + ((ending_color.green() - middle_color.green()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newBlue = middle_color.blue() + ((ending_color.blue() - middle_color.blue()) * percentScrolled); 
      var newColor = new $.Color(newRed, newGreen, newBlue); 
      $('body').animate({ backgroundColor: newColor }, 0); 
     } else if (scroll_pos > animation_end_pos) { 
      $('body').animate({ backgroundColor: ending_color }, 0); 
     } else if (scroll_pos < animation_begin_pos) { 
      $('body').animate({ backgroundColor: beginning_color }, 0); 
     } else { } 

我玩過一段時間:http://jsfiddle.net/Ldgevs6r/問題是,從灰色切換到紫色,正如你可以在小提琴中看到的百分比跳躍s從.998到.5,所以它使得初始啓動開關變得非常大,並且它的超級引人注目。我會稍後再討論它,看看我能否找到一種方法來使整個事物的價值規範化。 – AtheistP3ace





// list of colors 
var colors = [ 
    new $.Color('rgb(0,156,243)'), 
    new $.Color('rgb(36,40,47)'), 
    new $.Color('rgb(97,20,204)') 
$(document).scroll(function() { 
    // calculate scroll position 0-1 
    var scroll_pos = $(document).scrollTop(); 
    var height = $(document).outerHeight(); 
    var body_height = $(window).height(); 
    var pos = scroll_pos/(height-body_height); 

    // calculate which colors to pick and how much to mix them 
    pos *= colors.length-1; 

    var n = Math.floor(pos); 
    var f = pos % 1; 

    // prevent getting out of bounds color pick 
    if (n > colors.length-2) 
     n = colors.length-2 
     f = 1 

    // pick colors 
    var color1 = colors[n] 
    var color2 = colors[n+1]; 

    // mix the two colors 
    var color = new $.Color(
      Math.floor(color1.red()*(1-f) + color2.red()*f), 
      Math.floor(color1.green()*(1-f) + color2.green()*f), 
      Math.floor(color1.blue()*(1-f) + color2.blue()*f) 

    // set the background color 
    $("body").css("background", color); 




var colorList = [ 
     color: new $.Color('rgb(0,156,243)'), 
     stop: 0 
    }, { 
     color: new $.Color('rgb(36,40,47)'), 
     stop: 0.25 
    }, { 
     color: new $.Color('rgb(97,20,204)'), 
     stop: 0.5 
    }, { 
     color: new $.Color('rgb(36,40,47)'), 
     stop: 0.75 
    }, { 
     color: new $.Color('rgb(0,156,243)'), 
     stop: 1 

function getGradientColor(colorList, percent) 
    percent = 0 || percent; 

    if (colorList.length < 1) 
     return new $.Color(); 

    for (var n = colorList.length - 1; n > 0; n--) 
     if (percent >= colorList[n].stop) { break; } 

    if (n > colorList.length - 2) 
     n = colorList.length - 2; 
     f = 1; 

    var f = Math.min((percent - colorList[n].stop)/(colorList[n+1].stop - colorList[n].stop), 1); 

    var color1 = colorList[n].color; 
    var color2 = colorList[n+1].color; 

    return new $.Color(
     Math.floor(color1.red()*(1-f) + color2.red()*f), 
     Math.floor(color1.green()*(1-f) + color2.green()*f), 
     Math.floor(color1.blue()*(1-f) + color2.blue()*f) 

$(document).scroll(function() { 
    var scrollPosition = $(this).scrollTop(); 
    var height = $('.tall').outerHeight(); 
    var body_height = $(window).height(); 

    // Ensure no divide by 0 
    var percent = (height > 0 ? scrollPosition/(height - body_height) : 0); 

    $("body").css("background", getGradientColor(colorList, percent)); 

