2014-11-22 53 views



    window.anImageHasBeenCentered = false; 

    window.onkeydown = function (key) 
     var element = document.elementFromPoint (window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2); 

     if (anImageHasBeenCentered) // move to next image 
      switch (window.event ? event.keyCode : key.keyCode) 
       case 37: element = element.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.firstChild; break; // Left Arrow 
       case 39: element = element.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild; break; // Right Arrow 
       default: anImageHasBeenCentered = false; element = null; 

     else // center current image 
      switch (window.event ? event.keyCode : key.keyCode) 
       case 37: break; // Left Arrow 
       case 39: break; // Right Arrow 
       default: element = null; 

     if (element) 
      element.scrollIntoView (); 

      if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) < document.body.offsetHeight) // if we are not at the bottom of the page 
       if (element.offsetHeight < window.innerHeight) // if the element is shorter than the screen 
       { window.scrollBy (0, -((window.innerHeight - element.offsetHeight)/2)) } // position it in the middle of the screen 

      anImageHasBeenCentered = true; 

    // The function I would like to add, that is unfortunately triggered by the onkeydown function. 
    // window.onscroll = function () { anImageHasBeenCentered = false; } 

如果你可以顯示一些代碼,可以肯定地幫助你 – baao 2014-11-22 03:01:47


你給了event.stopPropagation()方法一下嗎? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/event.stopPropagation – 2014-11-22 03:04:02


是的。據我瞭解,stopPropagation只能防止同類型的事件觸發。不是另一種類型的事件。 – Yay295 2014-11-22 03:09:01




window.anImageHasBeenCentered = false; 

window.onscroll = function () { anImageHasBeenCentered = false; }; 

window.onkeydown = function (key) 
    var element = document.elementFromPoint (window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight/2); 

    switch (window.event ? event.keyCode : key.keyCode) 
     case 37: // Left Arrow 
     if (anImageHasBeenCentered) element = element.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.firstChild; 
     case 39: // Right Arrow 
     if (anImageHasBeenCentered) element = element.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild; 
     default: element = null; 

    if (element) 
     element.scrollIntoView (); 

     if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) < document.body.offsetHeight) // if we are not at the bottom of the page 
     if (element.offsetHeight < window.innerHeight) // if the element is shorter than the screen 
      window.scrollBy (0, -((window.innerHeight - element.offsetHeight)/2)); // position it in the middle of the screen 

     window.setTimeout (function () { anImageHasBeenCentered = true; }, 1); 