2013-12-21 71 views
CASE WHEN tsd.no_of_issues IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE tsd.no_of_issues 
END AS Subscription_Type, 
sum(tu.units) AS Total_sales, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='USD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_USD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='CAD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_CAD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='CNY' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_CNY, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='EUR' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_EUR, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='GBP' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_GBP, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='AUD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_AUD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='MXN' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_MXN, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='CHF' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_CHF, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='NZD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_NZD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='DKK' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_DKK, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='NOK' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_NOK, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='JPY' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_JPY, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='SEK' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_SEK, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='SGD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_SGD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='TWD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_TWD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='HKD' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_HKD, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='CNY' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_CNY, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='IDR' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_IDR, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='AED' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_AED, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='SAR' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_SAR, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='ILS' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_ILS, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='RUB' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_RUB, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='ZAR' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_ZAR, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='TRY' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_TRY, 
SUM(CASE WHEN customer_currency='INR' THEN tu.developer_proceeds * tu.units ELSE 0 END) AS Revenue_INR 
FROM `tbl_itunes_report` tu 
LEFT JOIN tbl_magazine_subscription_dtl tsd ON tsd.subscription_key = tu.sku_key AND ((tu.begin_date >= tsd.start_date AND tu.begin_date < tsd.end_date) OR (tu.begin_date >= tsd.start_date AND tsd.end_date = '0000-00-00')) 
LEFT JOIN tbl_magazine_subscription ts ON ts.magazine_subscription_id = tsd.subs_id LEFT JOIN tbl_magazine_issue ti ON ti.PurchaseKey = tu.sku_key AND ti.OS_SELECT = 0 
LEFT JOIN tbl_magazine tm ON tm.magazine_id = ts.magazine_id OR tm.magazine_id = ti.magazine_id 
WHERE `product_type_identifier` LIKE 'IA%' 
AND (tsd.subscription_key IS NOT NULL OR ti.PurchaseKey IS NOT NULL) 
AND tu.report_from = 'ecmedia' AND `units` >0 AND tu.begin_date >= "2013-12-01" 
AND tu.begin_date <= "2013-12-21" AND tm.publisher_id = 120 
GROUP BY tm.MAGAZINE_ID,tsd.no_of_issues 
ORDER BY tm.magazine_name,tsd.no_of_issues 

我正在使用此查詢生成報告。當我執行此查詢時出現 tm.publisher_id = 120。 它工作正常,但是當我添加到我的查詢執行時間增加。這個查詢有什麼不對嗎?當添加條件時mysql查詢不工作


您應該查看mysql的'EXPLAIN'函數,它可以幫助您瞭解爲什麼查詢需要更長時間。 –


您的數據庫中是否有'tm.publisher_id'上創建的索引?如果你不這樣做,那會顯着減慢這樣的查詢速度。否則,@JoeT所說的是你最好的選擇,當你使用許多集合函數,內聯條件語句,多個連接和執行排序的'ORDER BY'語句時,所有這些都會使查詢變慢。 – Anton


這是一個查詢的地獄。你確定沒有簡單的方法去做這件事嗎?本身並沒有錯,但如果這個查詢很慢,你不應該感到驚訝;它必須做很多工作才能產生結果。表越大,它將變得越慢。 –



除了適當的索引,因爲您使用的是外部聯接您很可能希望移動已從WHERE條款申請表上的LEFT JOINtm.publisher_id = 120)權利的那ON條款加入

LEFT JOIN tbl_magazine tm 
    ON (tm.magazine_id = ts.magazine_id OR 
     tm.magazine_id = ti.magazine_id) 
AND tm.publisher_id = 120 