2011-02-02 51 views




package kokuks.flowmon; 

import kokuks.flowmon.FlowmonParser.Handler; 

import org.xml.sax.Attributes; 

public class FlowProbeFlowStats extends FlowmonParserElement { 
    protected final FlowProbe parent; 
    protected int flowId = 0; 
    protected int packets = 0; 
    protected int bytes = 0; 
    protected long delayFromFirstProbeSum = 0; 
    protected boolean set = false; 

    * @param handler 
    * @param parent 
    * @param uri 
    * @param localName 
    * @param qName 
    * @param attributes 
    FlowProbeFlowStats(Handler handler, FlowProbe parent, String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) { 
     super(handler, parent, uri, localName, qName, attributes); 
     this.parent = parent; 

    * @return the parent 
    public FlowProbe getParent() { 
     return parent; 

    /* (non-Javadoc) 
    * @see kokuks.flowmon.FlowmonParserElement#getXMLName() 
    protected String getXMLName() { 
     return "FlowStats"; 

    /* (non-Javadoc) 
    * @see kokuks.flowmon.FlowmonParserElement#createAttributeHandlers() 
    protected IAttributeHandler[] createAttributeHandlers() { 
     return new IAttributeHandler[] { 
      new AttributeHandler("flowId") { 
       public void perform(String argValue) { 
        System.out.println("AH flowId: " + argValue); 
        flowId = Integer.parseInt(argValue); 
        set = true; 
      new AttributeHandler("packets") { 
       public void perform(String argValue) { 
        System.out.println("AH packets: " + argValue); 
        packets = Integer.parseInt(argValue); 
        set = true; 
      new AttributeHandler("bytes") { 
       public void perform(String argValue) { 
        System.out.println("AH bytes: " + argValue); 
        bytes = Integer.parseInt(argValue); 
        set = true; 
      new AttributeHandler("delayFromFirstProbeSum") { 
       public void perform(String argValue) { 
        System.out.println("AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: " + argValue); 
        delayFromFirstProbeSum = Long.parseLong(argValue.substring(0, argValue.length() - 2)); 
        set = true; 

    /* (non-Javadoc) 
    * @see java.lang.Object#toString() 
    public String toString() { 
     return "FlowStats/" + super.toString() + "[flowId: " + flowId + ", packets: " + packets + 
     ", bytes: " + bytes + ", delayFromFirstProbeSum: " + delayFromFirstProbeSum + "]"; 


if (this instanceof FlowProbeFlowStats) { 
     System.out.println("ahaaaa1:: " + this.toString()); 

    IAttributeHandler[] ahandlers = createAttributeHandlers(); 

    if (ahandlers != null) { 
     Map<String, IAttributeHandler> attributeHandlers = new HashMap<String, IAttributeHandler>(ahandlers.length); 
     for (IAttributeHandler ah : ahandlers) { 
      attributeHandlers.put(ah.getName(), ah); 

     for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { 
      IAttributeHandler ah = attributeHandlers.get(attributes.getQName(i)); 
      if (ah == null) { 
       throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute helper not found in qName: " + qName + " for attrib with localName: " + attributes.getLocalName(i) + ", qname*: " + attributes.getQName(i)); 

      try { 
      } catch (Exception e) { 

    if (this instanceof FlowProbeFlowStats) { 
     System.out.println("ahaaaa2:: " + this.toString()); 


ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 1 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 333 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 50274395ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1, packets: 5, bytes: 333, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 50274395] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 2 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 333 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 50274395ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 2, packets: 5, bytes: 333, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 50274395] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 3 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 1082 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 3, packets: 5, bytes: 1082, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 4 
AH packets: 4 
AH bytes: 762 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 4, packets: 4, bytes: 762, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 2 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 333 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 2, packets: 5, bytes: 333, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 4 
AH packets: 4 
AH bytes: 762 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 40615996ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 4, packets: 4, bytes: 762, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 40615996] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 1 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 333 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1, packets: 5, bytes: 333, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
AH flowId: 3 
AH packets: 5 
AH bytes: 1082 
AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 51335996ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 3, packets: 5, bytes: 1082, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 51335996] 
[kks-j~KokuKS~/Names] fmxml:FlowMonitor[FlowStats[Flow[flowID: 1,timeFirstTxPacket: 1011735011,timeLastTxPacket: 1343457103,timeFirstRxPacket: 1021768610,timeLastRxPacket: 1353490702,delaySum: 50274395,jitterSum: 212800,lastDelay: 10033599,txBytes: 333, rxBytes: 333,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 2,timeFirstTxPacket: 1015259481,timeLastTxPacket: 1543226881,timeFirstRxPacket: 1025293080,timeLastRxPacket: 1553260480,delaySum: 50274395,jitterSum: 212800,lastDelay: 10033599,txBytes: 333, rxBytes: 333,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 3,timeFirstTxPacket: 1021768610,timeLastTxPacket: 1332941904,timeFirstRxPacket: 1031802209,timeLastRxPacket: 1343457103,delaySum: 51335996,jitterSum: 481600,lastDelay: 10515199,txBytes: 1082, rxBytes: 1082,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 4,timeFirstTxPacket: 1025293080,timeLastTxPacket: 1332969282,timeFirstRxPacket: 1035326679,timeLastRxPacket: 1343226881,delaySum: 40615996,jitterSum: 291200,lastDelay: 10257599,txBytes: 762, rxBytes: 762,txPackets: 4,rxPackets: 4,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0]],Ipv4FlowClassifier[Flow[flowId: 4, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 3, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 2, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 1, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6]],FlowProbes[FlowProbe[index: 0, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0]>],FlowProbe[index: 1, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0]>],FlowProbe[index: 2, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0]>]]] 

注意內存值 - 這是相當奇怪的。整個toString輸出(來自已轉換的根元素)位於最後一行。



protected final FlowProbe parent; 
protected int flowId = 1000; 
protected int packets = 1000; 
protected int bytes = 1000; 
protected long delayFromFirstProbeSum = 1000; 
protected boolean set = false; 


ahaaaa1:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 
[email protected]: AH flowId: 4 
[email protected]: AH packets: 5 
[email protected]: AH bytes: 1082 
[email protected]: AH delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0ns 
ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 4, packets: 5, bytes: 1082, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 



protected int countdown = 4; 


 new AttributeHandler("packets") { 
      public void perform(String argValue) { 
       synchronized (FlowProbeFlowStats.this) { 
        System.out.println(FlowProbeFlowStats.super.toString() + ": AH packets: " + argValue); 
        packets = Integer.parseInt(argValue); 
        System.out.println("packets set to " + packets); 
        set = true; 


/* (non-Javadoc) 
* @see java.lang.Object#toString() 
public String toString() { 
    return "FlowStats/" + super.toString() + "[flowId: " + flowId + ", packets: " + packets + 
    ", bytes: " + bytes + ", delayFromFirstProbeSum: " + delayFromFirstProbeSum + 
    ", countdown: " + countdown + "]"; 


ahaaaa2:: FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1, packets: 5, bytes: 333, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0, countdown: -4] 


[kks-j~KokuKS~/Names] fmxml:FlowMonitor[FlowStats[Flow[flowID: 1,timeFirstTxPacket: 1007829288,timeLastTxPacket: 1524157706,timeFirstRxPacket: 1017862887,timeLastRxPacket: 1534191305,delaySum: 50274395,jitterSum: 212800,lastDelay: 10033599,txBytes: 333, rxBytes: 333,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 2,timeFirstTxPacket: 1010210025,timeLastTxPacket: 1324387511,timeFirstRxPacket: 1020243624,timeLastRxPacket: 1334421110,delaySum: 50274395,jitterSum: 212800,lastDelay: 10033599,txBytes: 333, rxBytes: 333,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 3,timeFirstTxPacket: 1017862887,timeLastTxPacket: 1313900107,timeFirstRxPacket: 1027896486,timeLastRxPacket: 1324157706,delaySum: 40615996,jitterSum: 291200,lastDelay: 10257599,txBytes: 762, rxBytes: 762,txPackets: 4,rxPackets: 4,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0],Flow[flowID: 4,timeFirstTxPacket: 1020243624,timeLastTxPacket: 1313872312,timeFirstRxPacket: 1030277223,timeLastRxPacket: 1324387511,delaySum: 51335996,jitterSum: 481600,lastDelay: 10515199,txBytes: 1082, rxBytes: 1082,txPackets: 5,rxPackets: 5,lostPackets: 0,timesForwarded: 0]],Ipv4FlowClassifier[Flow[flowId: 4, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 3, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 2, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6],Flow[flowId: 1, sourceAddress:, destinationAddress:, protocol: 6]],FlowProbes[FlowProbe[index: 0, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4]>],FlowProbe[index: 1, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4]>],FlowProbe[index: 2, stats: <FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4],FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 1000, packets: 1000, bytes: 1000, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 1000, countdown: 4]>]]] 




protected final AtomicInteger flowId = new AtomicInteger(); 
protected final AtomicInteger packets = new AtomicInteger(); 
protected final AtomicInteger bytes = new AtomicInteger(); 
protected final AtomicLong delayFromFirstProbeSum = new AtomicLong(); 


Exception in thread "FlowMonitor Updater" java.lang.NullPointerException 
    at kokuks.flowmon.FlowProbeFlowStats.toString(FlowProbeFlowStats.java:95) 


我剛剛想過,也許這些字段 - 在構造函數期間未設置,然後再設置。我不確定初始化的順序,但在這種情況下可能會搞砸了。無論如何,我會把它放在一個init方法中,看看它是否有任何作用。奇怪的是,它不適用於單一類的情況。它適用於其他人。



通過將安裝程序移動到init方法解決了這個問題,結果發現在構造函數中執行所有操作時出現了一些奇怪現象。因此,當我嘗試訪問它們時,爲什麼Atomic *字段爲空。發生這種情況的原因是,自從超級調用父構造函數之後,它們還沒有被設置。爲什麼其他元素是好的,超出了我的意思,但是這固定了它。



ahaaaa1爲前綴的行是具有默認值(0)的行。正如我所預料的那樣,ahaaaa2的行似乎具有正確的值。我想如果你在System.out.println("ahaaaa2:: " + this.toString())之後加了一兩個換行符,你會發現輸出是正確的。


FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 4, packets: 4, bytes: 762, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 


FlowStats/[email protected][flowId: 0, packets: 0, bytes: 0, delayFromFirstProbeSum: 0] 




如果您在第二個代碼塊中看到1和2變量是成對的。在設定操作完成後,我只是聲稱這個狀態。奇怪的是,混亂的類變量只能在構造函數中完成,並且這些字段在其他情況下是隱藏信息的。沒有固定器或清晰的方法。所有這些都在一個循環線程中完成,並且這些對象在迭代之間不會被重用。 – 2011-02-02 23:47:24