我部署了一個rails應用程序到一個彈性beanstalk應用程序,並且當我試圖啓動我的應用程序時,我遇到了Phusion Passenger超時。Elastic beanstalk和httpd.conf文件?
The following instances have not responded in the allowed command timeout time (they might still finish eventually on their own): [i-d3fc9cf2].
這裏是我的/ etc文件夾,我期待一個httpd的文件夾:
[etc]$ ls
acpi crontab fstab issue man.config pm rpc sudoers
adjtime cron.weekly gai.conf issue.net maven popt.d rpm sudoers.d
aliases csh.cshrc gcrypt java mime.types ppp rsyslog.conf sudo-ldap.conf
aliases.db csh.login gemrc jvm mke2fs.conf printcap rsyslog.d sysconfig
alternatives dbus-1 ghostscript jvm-commmon modprobe.d profile rwtab sysctl.conf
anacrontab default gnupg krb5.conf motd profile.d rwtab.d system-release
asound.conf depmod.d group kshrc motd.rpmsave protocols sasl2 system-release-cpe
at.deny dhcp group- ld.so.cache mtab racoon screenrc terminfo
audisp DIR_COLORS grub.conf ld.so.conf my.cnf rc securetty tmpfiles.d
audit DIR_COLORS.256color gshadow ld.so.conf.d nanorc rc0.d security udev
bash_completion.d DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor gshadow- libaudit.conf NetworkManager rc1.d services update-motd.d
bashrc dracut.conf host.conf libreport networks rc2.d shadow vimrc
blkid dracut.conf.d hosts libuser.conf nsswitch.conf rc3.d shadow- virc
cfn dumpdates hosts.allow localtime ntp rc4.d shells wgetrc
chkconfig.d e2fsck.conf hosts.deny login.defs ntp.conf rc5.d skel X11
cloud elasticbeanstalk image-id logrotate.conf openldap rc6.d smrsh xdg
cron.d environment init logrotate.d opt rc.d ssh xinetd.d
cron.daily ethers init.d lvm pam.d rc.local ssl yum
cron.deny exports inittab magic passwd rc.sysinit statetab yum.conf
cron.hourly filesystems inputrc mail passwd- resolv.conf statetab.d yum.repos.d
cron.monthly fonts iproute2 mailcap pki rmt sudo.conf
[etc]$ ps -ef | grep apache
ec2-user 3987 3543 0 02:53 pts/0 00:00:00 grep apache
你能解釋一下你如何ssh你的aws彈性beanstalk服務器爲您的以下rails應用程序? –