2017-08-05 47 views


我無法收集數據庫上下文的垃圾。我嘗試過處理對象,將引用歸零,然後在下一批10,000條記錄上創建一個新的上下文。這似乎並不奏效。 (這是由ef核心上的開發者之一推薦的:https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/5473


private void ProcessReport(ZipArchive zip, int page, int pageSize) 
      using (var context = new DBContext(_contextOptions)) 
       var batch = GetDataFromIndex(page, pageSize, context).ToArray(); 
       if (!batch.Any()) 

       var file = zip.CreateEntry("file_" + page + ".csv"); 
       using (var entryStream = file.Open()) 
       using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(entryStream)) 
        foreach (var reading in batch) 
          streamWriter.WriteLine("write data from record here.") 
         catch (Exception e) 
          //handle error 
       batch = null; 
      ProcessReport(zip, page + 1, pageSize); 

private IEnumerable<Reading> GetDataFromIndex(int page, int pageSize, DBContext context) 

      var batches = (from rb in context.Reading.AsNoTracking() 
       //Some joins 
       select rb) 
       .Skip((page - 1) * pageSize) 

       return batches 
        .Includes(x => x.Something) 


你是什麼意思的「數據」?如果您對某種DTO對象使用投影查詢,或者不使用跟蹤查詢,則「DbContext」不會在內部存儲任何內容。也不要使用'ToList','ToArray'等。簡單地列舉結果。 –


我已經使用'.AsNoTracking()'關閉了對查詢的更改跟蹤。我也刪除了'ToArray()',但垃圾收集器仍然沒有釋放任何上下文。 http://prntscr.com/g4q0h3至於我的意思是數據,我的意思是我正在尋找從數據庫中獲取記錄到C#模型中暫時使用然後處理掉。我有一種感覺,由於遞歸循環,對象不會從內存中移除? –


不要使用EF Core,這不是合適的情況。使用原始查詢,您可以隨時讀取數據的子集,即使用數據讀取器 – Tseng




另外,當分頁時,您必須向查詢添加排序,否則SQL可能會返回重疊的行,或者存在間隙。請參閱SQL Server,例如:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/select-order-by-clause-transact-sql EF Core不強制執行此操作,因爲某些提供程序可能會保證分頁查詢始終以相同順序讀取行。

這裏的EF核心的(1.1 .NET核心)通過一個巨大的結果集犁地不增加內存使用情況的示例:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; 
using System.Linq; 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; 

namespace efCoreTest 
    class SomeEntity 

     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Description { get; set; } 

     public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; } 
     public int A { get; set; } 
     public int B { get; set; } 
     public int C { get; set; } 
     public int D { get; set; } 

     virtual public Address Address { get; set; } 
     public int AddressId { get; set; } 


    class Address 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Line1 { get; set; } 
     public string Line2 { get; set; } 
     public string Line3 { get; set; } 

    class Db : DbContext 
     public DbSet<SomeEntity> SomeEntities { get; set; } 

     protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) 
      optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server=.;Database=efCoreTest;Integrated Security=true"); 

    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      using (var db = new Db()) 

       db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("alter database EfCoreTest set recovery simple;"); 

       var LoadAddressesSql = @" 

with N as 
    select top (10) cast(row_number() over (order by (select null)) as int) i 
    from sys.objects o, sys.columns c, sys.columns c2 
insert into Address(Id, Line1, Line2, Line3) 
select i Id, 'AddressLine1' Line1,'AddressLine2' Line2,'AddressLine3' Line3 
from N; 

       var LoadEntitySql = @" 

with N as 
    select top (1000000) cast(row_number() over (order by (select null)) as int) i 
    from sys.objects o, sys.columns c, sys.columns c2 
insert into SomeEntity (Name, Description, CreatedOn, A,B,C,D, AddressId) 
select concat('EntityName',i) Name, 
     concat('Entity Description which is really rather long for Entity whose ID happens to be ',i) Description, 
     getdate() CreatedOn, 
     i A, i B, i C, i D, 1+i%10 AddressId 
from N 

       Console.WriteLine("Generating Data ..."); 
       Console.WriteLine("Loaded Addresses"); 

       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
        var rows = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(LoadEntitySql); 
        Console.WriteLine($"Loaded Entity Batch {rows} rows"); 

       Console.WriteLine("Finished Generating Data"); 

       var results = db.SomeEntities.AsNoTracking().Include(e => e.Address).AsEnumerable(); 

       int batchSize = 10 * 1000; 
       int ix = 0; 
       foreach (var r in results) 

        if (ix % batchSize == 0) 
         Console.WriteLine($"Read Entity {ix} with name {r.Name}. Current Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)/1024}kb GC's Gen0:{GC.CollectionCount(0)} Gen1:{GC.CollectionCount(1)} Gen2:{GC.CollectionCount(2)}"); 



       Console.WriteLine($"Done. Current Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory(false)/1024}kb"); 



Generating Data ... 
Loaded Addresses 
Loaded Entity Batch 1000000 rows 
Loaded Entity Batch 1000000 rows 
. . . 
Loaded Entity Batch 1000000 rows 
Finished Generating Data 
Read Entity 10000 with name EntityName10000. Current Memory: 2854kb GC's Gen0:7 Gen1:1 Gen2:0 
Read Entity 20000 with name EntityName20000. Current Memory: 4158kb GC's Gen0:14 Gen1:1 Gen2:0 
Read Entity 30000 with name EntityName30000. Current Memory: 2446kb GC's Gen0:22 Gen1:1 Gen2:0 
. . . 
Read Entity 9990000 with name EntityName990000. Current Memory: 2595kb GC's Gen0:7429 Gen1:9 Gen2:1 
Read Entity 10000000 with name EntityName1000000. Current Memory: 3908kb GC's Gen0:7436 Gen1:9 Gen2:1 
Done. Current Memory: 3916kb 

注意,過多的存儲器的另一常見原因EF Core中的消耗是查詢的「Mixed client/server evaluation」。有關詳細信息,請參閱文檔以及如何禁用自動客戶端查詢評估。


我嘗試了此方法,但即使沒有更改跟蹤,也會執行查詢並將所有數據拉回到內存中。 '讀取實體250000名稱爲575430.當前內存:3678275kb GC的Gen0:16 Gen1:9 Gen2:6' –


看來,只有當我添加包含時,內存使用率纔會上升。任何想法,爲什麼和我如何能通過這個? –


您可以製作一個repro,或者修改我發佈的內容以顯示增加的內存使用情況?作爲一種解決方法,您始終可以將查詢中的對象圖形展平。 –