2013-10-27 21 views

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    <h5>Hog Wild Pit BBQ</h5> 
    <p>662 E 47th Street South, Wichita, KS, United States</p> 
    <img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-qyHUXQNgfHM/Ufl7s8AQY2I/AAAAAAAABxk/u3X0W75mhGo/w500-h500-s0/photo.jpg"> 
    <br>(316) 522-7636 
    <br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.hogwildpitbbq.com/">http://www.hogwildpitbbq.com/</a> 
    <br>The food was tasty with good-sized portions and was served quickly. My wife, two-year old daughter an I ate one dinner with the turkey, ribs, and pulled pork. Others might want to eat more but that was good for us. The turkey was a little dry but 
    otherwise everything was great. The corn and cole slaw sides were decent. The Texas toast was good and sauces were great. Pickles and chilies were also available. 
    <br>Traveling through Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas today I found a new BEST BAR-B-Q with Hog Wild Pit Bar-B-Q. Just as quick it was served to me I finished. Back on the road again... EAT HERE...you will make it back and you will remember. 
    <br>Favorite BBQ so far unless I have the time to throw it down on the grill! 
    <br>Best Barbeque in Kansas. 
    <br>I've eaten at the Hog Wild on 47th street a few times and it has always been excellent. Their ribs are the best I've ever had. I live in the Memphis, TN, area and have not found anywhere around here that has ribs nearly as good as Hog Wild. 
    <p>9 hours 23 mins</p> 
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