SQL> select vp.spid,vs.process,to_char(logon_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') Logon_Time
2 from v$process vp, v$session vs
3 where
4 vp.addr = vs.paddr and
5 vs.process in
(select Process
6 7 from v$session where username in ('SYS','SYSTEM','OPS$ORACLE')
8 and logon_time >= sysdate-0.010416667
9 and upper(Program) not like 'ORAAGENT%'
10 and upper(Program) not like 'EMAGENT%'
11 and upper(Program) not like 'RMAN%'
and upper(Program) not like 'OMS%'
12 13 and upper(Program) not like 'YRSUPP%');
------------------------ ------------------------ --------------------
18022440 22872252 27-SEP-2013 11:18:01
grep命令應該被處理,直到$ 8值等於SSHD:然後切換到LSOF -I命令:
SQL> !ps -ef|grep 22872252
oracle 18022440 22872252 0 11:18:01 - 0:00 oracleDSPD21 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))
oracle 20119722 22872252 0 11:41:32 pts/1 0:00 grep 22872252
oracle 22872252 30605374 0 11:18:01 pts/1 0:00 sqlplus
SQL> !ps -ef|grep 30605374
oracle 20643994 22872252 0 11:41:51 pts/1 0:00 grep 30605374
oracle 22872252 30605374 1 11:18:01 pts/1 0:00 sqlplus
oracle 30605374 11993194 0 11:07:31 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
SQL> !ps -ef|grep 11993194
root 11993194 15925354 0 11:07:31 pts/1 0:00 sudo su - oracle
oracle 19791924 22872252 0 11:42:08 pts/1 0:00 grep 11993194
oracle 30605374 11993194 0 11:07:31 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
SQL> !ps -ef|grep 15925354
oracle 10092584 22872252 0 11:42:29 pts/1 0:00 grep 15925354
root 11993194 15925354 0 11:07:31 pts/1 0:00 sudo su - oracle
l061749 15925354 11075676 0 11:07:27 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
SQL> !ps -ef|grep 11075676
l061749 11075676 20447276 0 11:07:27 - 0:00 sshd: [email protected]/1
l061749 15925354 11075676 0 11:07:27 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
oracle 20250734 22872252 0 11:42:57 pts/1 0:00 grep 11075676
FOR THE SSHD過程中需要使用以下命令:
SQL> !lsof -i|grep 11075676
lsof: WARNING: can't open /home/oracle/.lsof_ohpr420: Permission denied
sshd 11075676 l061749 3u IPv4 0xf1000e0007dcb3b8 0t50893 TCP ohpr420.rcc.nsw.westpac.com.au:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
SQL> !lsof -i|grep 20447276
lsof: WARNING: can't open /home/oracle/.lsof_ohpr420: Permission denied
sshd 20447276 root 3u IPv4 0xf1000e0007dcb3b8 0t51813 TCP ohpr420.rcc.nsw.westpac.com.au:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
感謝和問候 SURESH
我改進了問題的縮進但我不會將ALL CAPS轉換爲普通英文。請相應地編輯您的問題。 – 2013-09-27 05:38:04
我想將sql查詢的輸出傳遞給aix命令,稍後該命令應該grep進程直到滿足條件: – user2822119