2012-01-19 48 views

我希望能夠將矩形網格數據重新排列到列中。我寫了一些代碼並運行一些MsgBox來測試一些事情,它看起來工作正常,除了最後一行。也就是說,我已經測試過,以確保outputArray實際上以其中的數據和其他各種事物結束。但是,當我嘗試將outputArray中的數據寫入工作表時,它只是輸入所有空格(我有一個以前的版本不會自動刪除原始數據,所以我只能看到第一列被空白)。我認爲這是我看不到的一個簡單的錯誤。你能幫我弄清楚有什麼不對嗎? (Excel 2010)VBA Excel - 將數據矩形網格放入列

Sub PutDataIntoColumn() 
' This sub assumes data comes in a rectangular grid 
' And that data is read across row 1, then across row 2, and so on 
' The data is reordered into a column of data and is output starting at the top left cell of the original rectangular grid 
' The original grid of data is erased so only the column remains 

    Dim inputRange As Range 
    Dim inputArray() As Variant, outputArray() As Variant 

    Set inputRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select Data", Title:="Data Into Column", Type:=8) 
    inputArray = inputRange.Value 

    ' Erase the data 
    inputRange.Value = "" 

    numRows = UBound(inputArray, 1) 
    numCols = UBound(inputArray, 2) 

    totalCells = numRows * numCols 

    ReDim outputArray(totalCells, 1) 

    firstCellRow = inputRange.Row 
    firstCellCol = inputRange.Column 

    For i = 1 To numRows 
     For j = 1 To numCols 
      outputArray((i - 1) * numCols + j, 1) = inputArray(i, j) 
     Next j 
    Next i 

    ActiveSheet.Cells(firstCellRow, firstCellCol).Resize(totalCells).Value = outputArray 

End Sub 

您可能需要轉置數組寫入表單之前。 '... = Application.Transpose(outputArray)' –


@Tim,不是這樣,For循環迭代範圍就好了 –




ReDim outputArray(1 To totalCells, 1 To 1) 


FYI一個行和列做大,inputRange.Value = ""另一種是inputRange.Clear


您是正確的先生,現在完美工作。非常感謝! – Graphth