我總是得到一個運行時錯誤在VBA:運行時錯誤6 - 如何使Mod處理雙重?
Sub rsa()
Dim c1 As Long
Dim c2 As Long
Dim z As Long
Dim e As Long
pt = "xa"
n = 187
e = 7
For i = 1 To Len(pt)
b = Mid$(pt, i, 1)
If b <> " " Then
z = Asc(UCase(b))
'Here is the problem:
c = z^e Mod n
Text = Text & c
Text = Text & " "
End If
Next i
Cells(20, 4).Value = Text
End Sub
我得到的運行時錯誤的c = z^e Mod n
什麼是優先權?你也確定z是一個數值嗎?什麼是z不應該這樣做z:Cint(z) –
z在我的例子中是88。 – yab86